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Full Gospel Christian: Worship Leader: Husband: Shepherd and Gardener: 20 Year Air Force Veteran: Technologist: Toastmaster
Full Gospel Christian: Worship Leader: Husband: Shepherd and Gardener: 20 Year Air Force Veteran: Technologist: Toastmaster
It's so dry in central Minnesota, even the weeds are dying. The combination of warm temps and winds 10-35 mph have a scorching effects on plants. I use an efficient drip system and still need to do some hand watering daily to keep plants from watering stress. This is the second year of this type of weather pattern.
@farm_dude ... it quit raining here in western Colorado a couple of years ago...same pasture 2019 - 2022
That's a crazy amount of die-off between the 2019 and 2022 pics.
At the time of Christ, there were two sets of Laws. 1) The 613 laws of Moses taken from the Torah. Christ observed all laws that applied to Him - many laws didn't - He wasn't married, no children, not sick, not a criminal, not a soldier, not a high priest. etc. 2) The thousands of laws of the Scribes and Pharisees, many sourced from the Babylonian religions and Kabbalist practices. Christ frequently mocked these practitioners in his words and in parables. (Example: John 8:37-59)
@jrkuvoski - the incidents are recorded - example: disciples plucking grain on Sabbath or rescuing the donkey that fell in well on Sabbath question. Not Mosaic law, but against rules recorded elsewhere - Zohar, Talmud, etc. The everyday Jew did not have much access to scrolls, so they mostly learned from what the religious leaders told them. The only conning that is going on is the paganism that has infiltrated the church.
@jrkuvoski - I would say too that it is ultimately Luciferianism. However, Lucifer is not the friendly greeter or usher at church. He is invisible except for his great pride which compels him to leave signatures everywhere in various pagan practices, theology and symbology. Once a Christian becomes "wise as a serpent", these signatures found in churches scream "Ichabod".
My old country farmhouse has an acre of grass full of dandelions, plantain, chickweed, common mallow, purslane, and lamb's quarters along with various grasses. At one point, I considered treating the lawn with a commercial broad leaf killer and fertilizer. Luckily, we scheduled a herbalist to do a herb walk showing the gathered friends all the food and medicinal plants growing in my lawn. My lawn still doesn't look like a golf green, but I feel like I'm walking on a carpet worth big bucks.
@farm_dude My yard doesn’t have grass, it’s just sandy loam but I have dear, wild boars, even a wolf and a multitude of trees. I have a pond where I watch herons, both white and blue, kingfishers, ducks, and catch both bass and catfish. I live way out in the country. I’ve grown to love the nature surrounding me and it’s really hard for me to go into cities like Dallas because of the concrete and crowds. Give me natural any day. Your yard sounds very nice to me. Thanks for sharing.
Ms De'Plorable - Your place sound inviting and restful - a sanctuary filled with God's presence.
@jrkuvoski, is that wild lettuce a type of dandelion plant? It looks so much like one of the types of "dandelion" plants that I see.
@jrkuvoski, wow! That sow thistle does look like what I would call a dandelion! We have several different types of dandelion plants, but maybe one really is the sow thistle! Cool! I'll have to check it out. Thank you for the tidbit of education here!
We have Taraxacum officinale and Taraxacum erythrospermum plants I think. I don't know how else to list the different types! Lol
LAPDOG: #MarcoRubio unveils law that would ban guns for anyone ever investigated for ‘#domesticterrorism’

Failed presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has introduced legislation that would strip the Second Amendment rights of any individual who was simply investigated for domestic terrorism, even…
Marco, Marco, Marco. Always wants to take the peoples guns and make them criminals...Rhinoism is an affliction Marco, get help!
@NaturalNews - So if you had a platoon of BLM soldiers and a platoon of Proud Boys soldiers in full battle gear, standing in a side-by-side formation on a parade ground, and the order was given, "Put down your weapons and take a step backward," what do you think would happen? I suspect nothing Mr. Rubio.
He showed his true colors a long time ago
Nov 22 - marks the 57th year of the execution of JFK. Suspects:
1. LBJ ties to big oil and JFK's reducing the oil depletion allowance.
2. The mafia - Joe Kennedy bought JFK's win, but with a major stroke, he couldn't tell JFK to act & Bobby who thought his AG real.
3. CIA - JFK was exiting Viet Nam, the source of opium for CIA funds.
4. The mi/ind complex - pulling out of VN - bad business
5. Majestic-12 - Truman's group for UFO problems, JFK tried to enlist USSR to help deal with UFOs.
Understanding how the JFK assassination achieved success is very helpful in understanding the current election fraud mess. Both JFK and Bobby Kennedy became uncontrollable therefore needed elimination. President Trump is still with us because he is controllable. Trump will win but the whole narrative is cover for a more sinister event(s) to come.
I just finished reading the book "Double Cross", the biography of the Chicago mob-boss, Sam Giancana. Giancana greatly expanded the income of the organization known as "The Outfit", In the book Giancana admits to picking up the contracts on JFK, Bobby Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe. He recounted the close involvement of the CIA and various public officials on the Outfits' payroll that made the assassinations possible.