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Hungry for Truth!
@jeffhertzog_radioamericausa I think they cheat and our votes mean nothing. Fix 2020.
@Reydeicuori It’s because it’s too overwhelming and scary for the average American sheep to accept that their government would commit such crimes to humanity but it is less scary to accept their government would torture animals. People deny what scares them.
@RobW Watch “Europa the last battle.” You might change your opinion on the WWII propaganda. You can’t trust anything we’ve been taught in schools. In fact everything about our “history” is a lie. There’s nothing new under the sun. Same enemy.
@RckOnMethuselah Jesus is our Savior, not man.
@PattersonGlenFarm Yes, Yes, and Yes!!!!
@RckOnMethuselah Id love to vote RINOS out but my vote has proven worthless. It’s nothing more than theatre.
@AWalkWiththeLordMinistry wonderful parenting.
@RckOnMethuselah America is a modern day Sodom or Gomorrah. We have a just God. Judgement shall he served.
@mhoran1158 @hppywndy It was only a matter of time. I sure hope these people read their existing rental agreements carefully. I doubt there’s a clause for vaccination status. He’s out of his mind. No tenant = no rent. I’m sure most unvaxxed would prefer not to live in a fully vaxxed community anyway. At least I wouldn’t.
@Reydeicuori forget rope, inject him with the jab and boosters.
@DiamondTNT OMG!!! This is so crazy and out of control. It’s probably in little boys undies too. Those sickos.
@Patriot_CO @TwistedEagle that is awesome!!!!!!!
@TwistedEagle Those French don’t mess around. I hope Americans have the guts to do the same.
@PattersonGlenFarm Jesus didn’t come to bring peace, but a sword. A sword against evil. That same evil we are seeing today. Unity is not an option. You can’t serve two masters.
@PattersonGlenFarm awe. So cute. Good job!
@Linna A good question to ask is how much loss of life is Israel responsible for? Why are they getting attacked in the first place? Just bad luck? A hated people? Take a look of a map of Palestine in 1917 and compare it to a map of today. I agree that every country has the right to defend itself. That applies to everyone.
@DiamondTNT Im surprised they want to inject kids. I doubt the adrenochrome has the same affect with Pfizer or Moderna cocktails mixed in.
@PattersonGlenFarm Sounds about accurate!
@PattersonGlenFarm Amen