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American Patriot
They want you to wear your masks so you get Viral Pneumonia from your own mouth germs. Notice when you get home, take your mask off that little cough you did not have when you left? Hospitals now get $52,000 for every death they claim as Covid. Notice how evil MSM never mentions Vitamin C, D, Zinc etc protects? They all serve Big Pharma. Deaths are being caused by the depopulation Vaccine- as planned, the MSM is reporting them a covid. It's a Wicked World. But you know that by now.
@guitarstar WT? your right. Great point even after study after study the harm masks cause! We are not dying fast enough - even after the 13,000 moms, dads and grandparents #KillerCuomo killed in NY nursing homes
Great meme btw

The headlines and subject matter of our articles the past couple of weeks have been very somber, documenting how serious injuries and deaths are happening just shortly after people have been injected
Vaccine Impact@RealDonaldTrump if you would of used the Insurrection act Rick Grenell should of been appointed new head of the FBI but you betrayed America with your pathetic farewell speech handing our country over to the CCP. A horrific Dereliction of your Oath Of Office- Protect America from Her Enemies Foreign & Domestic. Now look where you have our country as our corrupt Military Brass are protecting a CCP Treasonous Shill in our White House. The Truth Hurts.
One America News is no better than Fox Fake News notice OAN has more Foreign accent reporters covering our Domestic News than even CNN. Furthermore OAN also in bed with Big Pharma their major advertisers pushing the Kill Shot Vaccine every 6 minutes, every segment. OAN never reports that over 200 Americans Die every day after receiving the 1st or 2nd Covid 19 AKA China Bio Weapon Vaccine. All part of the Global Depopulation agenda. killing off the elderly first.
@guitarstar I used to be a "news junkie" .... I haven't been able to bring myself to watch one minute of TV news since JAN 20th
@guitarstar I thought they were supposed to be so good.
#MikePence will go down in History as an Evil Liar who stabbed our President & America In The Back. He no longer can hide behind his Fake Christian Faith. He Serves China & Satan. What a Legacy Of Evil.
@guitarstar Let's hope he can find repentance and forgiveness before judgement day.
A Backstabbing Commie, Liberal Sewage Rats Nest > Dead Last In The Rating$$$$
Nice Job!
@guitarstar Turn off all liar main stream media. They are all owned by six guys who are in support of Satan worshiping and the child sex trafficking rings. They always lie to us because of Operation Mockingbird, which was created by the CIA in the 60's to promote government propaganda. Do you like their propaganda? They always want us to be angry and upset, and never say much that says anything positive that makes us happy. I never watch any TV any more.
Do you really think I am that Naive? If so visit my page, I have made over 33.000 memes post on Fascistbook & Parler against main stream media & for 3 years took a lot of heat every day calling out Fox Fake NewNow the sheep may see but they will still watch to get their daily Liberal Sewage Brainwashing Fix..
Patriots confront this GOP Backstabbing POS LINDSEY GRAHAM:

View this post on InstagramA post shared by Mindy Robinson (@iheartmindy)
Populist Press 2021 ©@guitarstar Traitors will not be able to walk down the streets!!!!
Intel Update:
Mike One Of The Most Important Updates. The Longer The Better. Shared On Parler as well.
My Intel Sources state: Special Ops mixed took 4 Laptops from Nancy Pelosi's Office and now she is Vapor Locked to Get The 25th Amendment Activated.
@guitarstar Keep praying that God takes them down!!!!
Spread this-
The New America Patriot Party Should Officially Form at the Steps of The Capital In Washington DC
On January 6th 2021. Where Official Notice Will Be Served To Enemies Of America Foreign & Domestic-
Breaking>>>> New Surveillance Photo Of Nashville Bombing Suspect
Released Just Now-
@guitarstar ok, thank you, this made me laugh after I just had an unsettling interaction with one of the Marxists who works at the local health store. The hrc memes are classic.
Too funny.