Living in the national capital area of Canada, which is Ottawa, Ontario
Okay, so a couple of years ago we had massive fires raging all across Canada, and no one in Canada did anything to try to stop them. The smoke was so bad that it even went far into the USA. Even just last year, big fires burning in Canada and no one in Canada did anything to stop them. They said we didn't even have equipment to fight the fires up here.
So now today, we've got Trudeau saying he is sending all kinds of Canadian fire bomber planes and helicopters down to Los Angeles to fight the fires there, and the premiers of British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario so far have sent all kinds of their own fire fighting equipment down to LA to fight the fires. The Ontario premier even said "No expense will be spared!" in sending men and equipment.
WHAT??!! So you all do NOTHING to stop our own fires here in Canada, but you will somehow materialize all kinds of people and equipment and use our taxpayer dollars to send it all down to a major US city to fight their fires?? And then you are going to say to us in just a couple of months from now that there is no way to stop our own Canadian fires??
And they think we aren't going to notice this.