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Living in the national capital area of Canada, which is Ottawa, Ontario
Living in the national capital area of Canada, which is Ottawa, Ontario
The first day of spring and I've got a nice fat robin in my cherry tree this morning!
You know, spring is one of the BEST things about living in Canada. Here when it is a mere 45 F outside, most Canadians are out in their t-shirts and shorts and doing all their errands and dog walking and such on a nice sunny day like today. This would never happen in the Deep South!
For your day's amusement:
We've got 27 more inches of snow on the ground now here in Canada's capital region! Most of that was received yesterday. It has drifted spectacularly and is still blowing around under sunny skies. So thankful to live in an area where they know how to deal with this amount of snow! We had to do many rounds of shoveling ourselves and some leaning out the window with a broom to make sure that all of the furnace exhaust and intake vents and such were clear and not drifted shut. Even everything we cleared last night is almost drifted shut again this morning, so good thing we had done a thorough job. Now it's time to go see how buried the car is!
View from the window well:
Here in Canada's capital city area we've had chemtrailing all day yesterday, and happening again today ahead of the incoming winter storm. We are supposed to get 40 cm (16 inches) of snow tonight into tomorrow. Then another storm on Sat.-Sunday is supposed to deliver a further 30 cm (12 inches). We've had a low-snow winter so far, so this is going to be a real doozy. The worst thing is that it is going to be heavy, lead-weight snow, which probably means that the power will be out, etc. Gotta do some shoveling prep work before it starts!
Another YAY! Plastic straws are back for the USA!

President Donald Trump is moving to reverse a federal push away from plastic straws, declaring that paper straws “don’t work” and don’t last very long.
www.ctvnews.caWow, this is fantastic, I just learned that Trump has made incandescent light bulbs legal again!!!
Here's a good video to watch:
Holy cow, we are in for a major world of hurt here in Canada thanks to the list of tariffs. They have slapped it onto virtually all food items for one, and Canada gets 90% of its food from the USA. The stores here are already raising prices, taking full advantage of the lowly consumer, and will just pass it off onto us when it was them who raised prices AHEAD of actual start date! Canadians will see it directly in their everyday pocketbook, whereas Americans will be impacted less directly, based on the items that Canada supplies to the USA.
Someone sent me this to watch, it is a video from a year ago, but super informative and extremely interesting, about the California fires. I recommend checking this one out!
Okay, so a couple of years ago we had massive fires raging all across Canada, and no one in Canada did anything to try to stop them. The smoke was so bad that it even went far into the USA. Even just last year, big fires burning in Canada and no one in Canada did anything to stop them. They said we didn't even have equipment to fight the fires up here.
So now today, we've got Trudeau saying he is sending all kinds of Canadian fire bomber planes and helicopters down to Los Angeles to fight the fires there, and the premiers of British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario so far have sent all kinds of their own fire fighting equipment down to LA to fight the fires. The Ontario premier even said "No expense will be spared!" in sending men and equipment.
WHAT??!! So you all do NOTHING to stop our own fires here in Canada, but you will somehow materialize all kinds of people and equipment and use our taxpayer dollars to send it all down to a major US city to fight their fires?? And then you are going to say to us in just a couple of months from now that there is no way to stop our own Canadian fires??
And they think we aren't going to notice this.
It's a banner day up here in Ottawa, the capital of Canada! Trudeau is about to announce that he is stepping down from politics!! He's facing the press at 10:45 am. Of course, he's not going to go down easily, he is going to be doing as much damage as possible in the next couple of months, to delay the landslide victory that the Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre will have in a future election sometime this year.
"On the 12th day of Christmas, my prime minister gave to me......."
Watch it here:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called a news conference this morning at Rideau Cottage, and there it is expected he will tell the country he's resigning as Liberal leader, according to a senior government…
www.ctvnews.caHas anyone else noticed that the "fog" particles look a lot like the dust aftermath of the 9/11 buildings going down?
A family member of mine, a 29 year old unvaxxed female, has said that everyone vaxxed that she knows who has been pregnant has had a miscarriage.
You have to wonder if any of these vaxxed women will ever be able to get pregnant again!
In all of the cases the doctors say that there was nothing obviously wrong with the baby and they don't know why the baby died.
So thankful for someone to go to this level of rebuking Mike Adams for his grossly erroneous understanding of Christian faith. Many people on here have been faithfully warning Mike, but it seems like he is only going deeper into his delusions about God.
I have to wonder where he is getting all these wrong ideas, and what on earth would ever make him put out these umpteen gazillion "sermons" that are just multi-faith, New Age blends of beliefs and then call them authoritative pronouncements of Christianity? Are you kidding me? Just so many red flags in the "sermons" and his posts on here.
Mike is being gravely misled, and let's pray he doesn't take anyone with him down this spiritual death spiral. I sincerely hope that some rock-solid pastors will be able to come alongside him in person and show him the errors in his ways.
OH COME ON!! This is our top news headline tonight in Canada??!! They are never going to stop with this crap!!

A group of researchers say they have more evidence to suggest the COVID-19 pandemic started in a Chinese seafood market where it spread from infected animals to humans. The evidence is laid out in a recent…
www.ctvnews.caSo they just announced here in Canada's capital city that 1 out of every 4 households here is now going to the food bank! That is 25% of the households now, up from 1 in 7 (14%) from last year. This is a wealth-laden city as well, so that is really surprising and horrible news.
As a previous user of the food bank here, I can say that what they give you doesn't even qualify as food. So it is going to be even worse for these people than they know. Most of what I received at the time I just re-donated because it ws all poison "food."
A day after Canada announced that has started testing human wastewater for avian flu, lo and behold! We now have this breaking news story that they have detected the first human case in Canada in British Columbia! Cue the killing of all poultry!

B.C. health officials say they have detected Canada's first-ever case of H5 avian influenza in a human.
bc.ctvnews.caWell, I've been checking the news so far, and I am pleased to see that Trump is the winner of the election, and hope that it sticks. They keep calling it a "landslide," but it is the farthest thing from that! There is just about a 50-50 split in everything, and his win is WAY too close for comfort. I am wondering if the steal rigging is going to change that at all.
Also, the news up here in Canada is all doom and gloom and sadness that Harris lost. They of course immediately point out Trump being a felony criminal, a J6 insurrectionist, misogyinist, racist, hypermasculine, all in one national article! Yeah, they would rather have him be like Trudeau!!
I also notice that the precious metals prices this morning have gone down substantially, so that is interesting, as the stock market is up.
Just happy to see that there weren't enough cheat ballots to convincingly steal the election in the middle of the night like last time. Sure hope that Tina Peters gets pardoned.
Well I sure hope that this isn't going to be another "When I went to bed, Trump was leading in the election results, but when I got up the next morning, Biden was the winner" type of event. It's looking mighty red across the map at this hour! Hasta manana.