InfoWarriors of Norway wish to team up with like-minded freedom fighters from all over the world – patriots having had enough of their unelected, tyrannical, freemason-based, corporate-political, globalist-mafia controlled governments and media, using their stolen power to dictate, suppress, plunder and destroy our lives, while filling their pockets at our expense.
More and more people around the world have worked out that today's societal control systems are all rigged against mankind in favour of the 1% and have had enough. The entire legal system has nothing to do with the living man, woman and child, but only apply to trade. Mandates are not laws - and don't apply to the living man, woman and child. Why kill yourself because of mandates?
Common Law is the way forward to build real freedom. Learn how, here:

We need Common Law to protect our lives and reclaim the land that we all own in equal parts, to destroy today's freemasonry-run warfare platform where one third of the world's population suppresses, dictates…