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InfoWarriors of Norway wish to team up with like-minded freedom fighters from all over the world – patriots having had enough of their unelected, tyrannical, freemason-based, corporate-political, globalist-mafia controlled governments and media, using their stolen power to dictate, suppress, plunder and destroy our lives, while filling their pockets at our expense.
InfoWarriors of Norway wish to team up with like-minded freedom fighters from all over the world – patriots having had enough of their unelected, tyrannical, freemason-based, corporate-political, globalist-mafia controlled governments and media, using their stolen power to dictate, suppress, plunder and destroy our lives, while filling their pockets at our expense.
Common Law Court in Great Britain is preparing a worldwide class action under common law because of COVID-19. In order for your country to participate you need to have at least 100 people registered as living men and women at
This needs to be done as soon as possible so that the hearing and verdict can go ahead already in January to prevent mass vaccination of many countries commencing February 1st, 2022. Please share this information to all.
Our latest article (in English) looks at how the genocide is being orchestrated thanks to today's political system which is exposed to infiltration, and explores how we need to stop handing over our authority to others, but instead remove today's political system and replace it with direct democracy. The article also questions QFS and the value of gold as opposed to real values - us the living men and women, our hands, labor, ideas and creativity.

Alas, too many have blind faith in saviours coming to their rescue so they think they don't have to do anything, when the opposite is true. Sleeeeep, sleeeeep, deny, deny, and do nothing - while you are…
infowarriorsofnorway.comCommon Law Court in Great Britain is preparing a worldwide class action under common law because of COVID-19. In order for your country to participate you need to have at least 100 people registered as living men and women at
This needs to be done as soon as possible so that the hearing and verdict can go ahead already in January to prevent mass vaccination of many countries commencing February 1st, 2022. Please share this information to all.
Have you heard of the QFS (Quantum Financial System)? What do you make of it? Have you started buying silver and gold, or do you appreciate real values like food, your ideas and hands?

Back in the time of the Napoleonic war when Wellington beat Napoleon at Waterloo, the Rothschilds got wind of this a day before everyone else, and spread a false rumour that Napoleon had beaten Wellington.…
infowarriorsofnorway.comOur latest article, in Norwegian, covers the brutal hard truth of the political system, in Europe, and how the UPU (Universal Postal Union) can assist us by checking all forwarded post suspected of postal fraud for contract fraud and breach of human rights. We recommend you read our earlier article about the UPU and how it can help you in addition. Use google translate or similar to read this article in English.

Det nytter ikke å fortsette å sitte foran TV og nyte gammeldans og sport, jugedebatter og nyheter som aldri fortelle et eneste sant ord om det som virkelig skjer bak ryggen vår i Norge og utlandet. Du…
infowarriorsofnorway.comInfowarriors of Norway occasionally publish channelled material. Here One creator self tells us about today's events, the future on Earth and reality. Important issues like COVID-19, the Great Reset and QFS (Quantum Financial System) are mentioned, amongst other exciting topics such as our friends out in space.

Abandon QFS and kill the Great Reset because One World Society is based on real values: Me as you, and I am not for sale and I am not less worth in one country than another so your now countries will be…
infowarriorsofnorway.comThis thought-provoking scenario, in Norwegian, asks you whether you want to live or die. Although written in Norwegian, we highly recommend the attached videos, both in the article and below in the video section, explaining how the banks always kills millions of us, the real creditors, to steal our share of the world's natural resources attached to our birth certificate, when we die from the vaccines without having written a will. That's why they are killing our kids.

Vil du leve eller dø? Globalistene i det New World Order har ingen problemer med å utrydde menneskeheten med mange millioner hver måned under påskudd av at alle må vaksinere seg for å redde planeten. Så…
infowarriorsofnorway.comOur latest article is the German translation of our earlier article in English: Mandates are not law:

Die Politiker wissen, dass sie kein Recht haben, über irgendetwas zu entscheiden, außer über sich selbst. Deshalb schreiben sie eine Fiktion, die sie MANDATEN, GESETZE, GESETZESERKLÄRUNGEN, PROTOKOLLE,…
infowarriorsofnorway.comForsvar barna mot vaksineovergrep og -drap!

Følgende tekst kan leses opp på foreldremøter i skolen eller barnehagen for å informere de ansatte at de herved er informert om at vil bli personlig stilt til ansvar for deres deltakelse i menneskerettighetsforbrytelser…
infowarriorsofnorway.comMandates are not laws! Learn the difference between Contract Law and Common Law!

Mandates are not law! Their offer of vaccines is stealth contracting and unlawful - and they know it, that's why they want you to voluntary jab yourself - because they know
infowarriorsofnorway.comIn answer to a comment to our article below about language:
Most people are not aware that there exist 2 parallel languages in English. One is negative, fake, constructed for use to confuse instead of inform with clarity.
Most use the word "person" without being aware that a person is a dead entity used with your so-called person number to steal your share of the planet's natural resources belonging to you as a living man or living woman. Every con word is artificial and used to trick
More and more people around the world have worked out that today's societal control systems are all rigged against mankind in favour of the 1% and have had enough. The entire legal system has nothing to do with the living man, woman and child, but only apply to trade. Mandates are not laws - and don't apply to the living man, woman and child. Why kill yourself because of mandates?
Common Law is the way forward to build real freedom. Learn how, here:

We need Common Law to protect our lives and reclaim the land that we all own in equal parts, to destroy today's freemasonry-run warfare platform where one third of the world's population suppresses, dictates…
infowarriorsofnorway.comChanneled from One Creator self, about today and tomorrow, our reality and how we have to reclaim our rights as living man, woman and child to assist in defeating the New World Order once and for all.

I am One, Creator of all existing creation everywhere in all known space.
infowarriorsofnorway.comWho writes Constitutions and for whom? Too few of us even reflect over Constitutions from this angle. Maybe it's time to take back our rights as living man, woman and child of the living land and create a free world in a real direct democracy - before we're all dead?

Constitutions are written by rulers to suppress us while worshipped by many as something positive that should be held onto no matter what cost, without questioning or reflecting over the intentions of…