InfoWarriors of Norway wish to team up with like-minded freedom fighters from all over the world – patriots having had enough of their unelected, tyrannical, freemason-based, corporate-political, globalist-mafia controlled governments and media, using their stolen power to dictate, suppress, plunder and destroy our lives, while filling their pockets at our expense.
This thought-provoking scenario, in Norwegian, asks you whether you want to live or die. Although written in Norwegian, we highly recommend the attached videos, both in the article and below in the video section, explaining how the banks always kills millions of us, the real creditors, to steal our share of the world's natural resources attached to our birth certificate, when we die from the vaccines without having written a will. That's why they are killing our kids.

Vil du leve eller dø? Globalistene i det New World Order har ingen problemer med å utrydde menneskeheten med mange millioner hver måned under påskudd av at alle må vaksinere seg for å redde planeten. Så…