InfoWarriors of Norway wish to team up with like-minded freedom fighters from all over the world – patriots having had enough of their unelected, tyrannical, freemason-based, corporate-political, globalist-mafia controlled governments and media, using their stolen power to dictate, suppress, plunder and destroy our lives, while filling their pockets at our expense.
Our latest article (in English) looks at how the genocide is being orchestrated thanks to today's political system which is exposed to infiltration, and explores how we need to stop handing over our authority to others, but instead remove today's political system and replace it with direct democracy. The article also questions QFS and the value of gold as opposed to real values - us the living men and women, our hands, labor, ideas and creativity.

Alas, too many have blind faith in saviours coming to their rescue so they think they don't have to do anything, when the opposite is true. Sleeeeep, sleeeeep, deny, deny, and do nothing - while you are…