InfoWarriors of Norway wish to team up with like-minded freedom fighters from all over the world – patriots having had enough of their unelected, tyrannical, freemason-based, corporate-political, globalist-mafia controlled governments and media, using their stolen power to dictate, suppress, plunder and destroy our lives, while filling their pockets at our expense.
Our latest article, in Norwegian, covers the brutal hard truth of the political system, in Europe, and how the UPU (Universal Postal Union) can assist us by checking all forwarded post suspected of postal fraud for contract fraud and breach of human rights. We recommend you read our earlier article about the UPU and how it can help you in addition. Use google translate or similar to read this article in English.

Det nytter ikke å fortsette å sitte foran TV og nyte gammeldans og sport, jugedebatter og nyheter som aldri fortelle et eneste sant ord om det som virkelig skjer bak ryggen vår i Norge og utlandet. Du…