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This is amazingly good news. 100% of House Democrats have been "fully vaccinated." But less than 50% of House Republicans have been vaccinated.
Guess what?
Antibody Dependent Enhancement is due this Fall, when the flu shots and wild type coronavirus strains begin to circulate. Gonna be an interesting election in 2022 to fill all the empty seats, that's for sure...
Wow, the LiveLeak video site is GONE. Taken offline, apparently. And they are coming for all the platforms that tell the truth...

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
www.zerohedge.comHoly canoli! And he's unharmed!
Folks, almost everything you see from the "mainstream" media is pure fiction. Today NASA announced it now has a helicopter on Mars, and the helicopter is working fine.
This is the same NASA that has told us for decades that Mars has virtually no atmosphere whatsoever... about 0.6% of the atmospheric pressure of Earth. It doesn't take a genius to realize that helicopters can't fly in a vacuum.
The news from Mars is pure science fiction.

The Ingenuity helicopter has reported in from the Red Planet. dead now in America, after the covid vaccine.

The numbers reflect the latest data available as of Jan. 29 from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System website. Of the 501 reported deaths, 453 were from the U.S. The average age of those who…
Children's Health DefenseCheck this out. This fascinating video appears to show solid evidence that Joe Biden's "Oval Office" is actually the Amazon / Castle Rock movie set in Culver City, California. The press is in on it. The whole presidency is completely fake. They're not even in DC, according to this video. What do you think?
More details about the current situation (Biden, Trump, military) and why NOBODY wanted to hear this news right now. 2021 is going to suck. BAD. No way around it. I didn't want it to play out this way either...

A lot of people won't want to hear today's Situation Update, even though it still delivers many action items and justification for optimism. What people want to hear are instant solutions: "Joe Biden will…
www.naturalnews.comSituation Update, Jan 20th – Day of Reckoning: Will the republic DIE or be REBORN?
A fake, staged inauguration stemming from an illegal, unconstitutional election carries no legal standing. Biden was only "sworn in" as an act of theater. It isn't binding to any true Americans.

As America watched, a decrepit, mentally incompetent Joe Biden was "sworn in" today, with almost no members of the public in attendance, but with Biden surrounded by now a reported 65,000 troops, just…
www.naturalnews.comBelieve it or not, IT'S NOT OVER YET. What I see today is 100% theater. Nothing real, nothing legitimate. Nothing that has the consent of the people, nor even the consent of the military. I say watch the next 24 hours and see what happens... but also plan accordingly in case the worst case becomes reality. Remember: Biden being "sworn in" doesn't even count if the election was stolen. And the DoD has proof that it was. So just stay tuned and prepare for all possibilities...
Pay attention. On which day did I say in my Situation Update that I was deliberately withholding information in order to protect the good guys?
What has happened since? (And what is about to happen...) I think things are turning on this very day... the 17th of January.
THANK YOU all for your support and feedback today. We are all going through very difficult times here. Things do not look good for the future of this nation. Keep your faith in God and always demand honesty and transparency from all those around you. Practice peace and humility.
So Juan O' Savin, one of these guys in many of the recent videos being circulated, NOW claims Biden will be sworn in after all. He had previously and repeatedly claimed Biden would never be sworn in. He appears frequently with Robert David Steele. His story keeps changing. He claims to be an insider with superior knowledge, but speaks in riddles and vague, rambling stories.
What do YOU think about Juan O' Savin and his changing story?
This is what happens when you take the covid-19 vaccine. SHOCKING:
I'm not a big fan of Q things, and I know a lot of people are attacking the Q movement lately, claiming Q was misleading everybody, but if that were true, then why did the ENTIRE media attack Q and why did Big Tech ban all the Q content? If Q was a highly successful psyop campaign to mislead everyone, wouldn't the deep state controllers made sure that Q continued to thrive on social media platforms, WITHOUT banning? Think about it...
Well, Trump didn't say much of anything today at his border wall speech. There were 600,000+ people watching the live stream, but he disappointed and talked about the "next administration" and how they might try to take down the wall. Unless he's acting, it seems like he has given up.
The US State Department just cancelled all planned travel for all personnel for the next week, including the Secretary's trip to Europe.
FYI I do not have any solid intel on what Trump is going to say today, other than to talk about his executive order which takes effect today:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic
www.whitehouse.govVery reliable source tells me eyewitness on the ground, part of the FEMA operation in Frederick County, MD., it's all going active right now. Emergency equipment and shelters going up. The only case for this is a C.O.G. plan. (Continuity of Government).
Firsthand report, eyes on the ground.
Folks, be skeptical of anything from simon parkes. Dont fall for disinfo is going up and down today. We are aware and working to resolve. Heavy traffic load now hitting all alternative platforms.