These lower federal court Judges are out of control. How bad is it...for example, a lot of people with mental problems don't have any respect for themselves and they end up treating other people like crap, behave irrationally, and they are susceptible for self-harm. Well, these lower court Judges have no respect for their own institution (the Judicial branch), so they treat SCOTUS like crap, make irrational decisions, and it harms their institution. Conclusion...Libtard Judges have mental problems.
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@kew19d40 When the judges are trying to dissolve our government and the Rule of Law they act insane. Remember the movie "Nuremberg?" Judges aren't immune and they will go to jail eventually for treason.
I doubt they ever see a day in jail. If Trump is elected they will try to kill him, if not before. That might set some people off. If he is not elected, we will continue downward slide into collapse. I'm not predicting where this goes, but if internal physical conflict breaks out, there may be some elements that go after political figures...Judges will not be immune to this.