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Full article with SHOCKING photos and video frames: THE SUMMONING: 72 nations PUBLICLY worship satanic idols in televised luciferian ritual while celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay creepily stalks frightened lambs

Every western government is run by satanists, and they are now openly carrying out public rituals to celebrate Lucifer's (temporary) dominion over Earth. At the British Commonwealth Games opening ceremony…
www.naturalnews.comI am hosting the full Alex Jones Show ( on Monday from 11 am - 2 pm central, and will be unveiling truly bombshell new details on "fibrous amyloid" blood clots that are killing so many adults. Exclusive medical guests and photos... spread the word.
Pfizer CEO Says it’s their dream to Reduce the Population by 50 percent in 2023
Now they're just blatantly celebrating it.
Reminder that the "Propaganda Exposed!" docu-series launches TONIGHT. Produced by Ty and Charlene Bollinger. I'm featured in every episode. Watch it for free with registration at
For those who purchase the DVDs, we are donating 100% of revenues to health freedom champions and alt media publishers. Full list of donations will be published in late June as the donations are distributed. :-)
We have extended an invitation to Gilead Sciences, inviting their Chief Science Officer to be interviewed by Mike Adams about remdesivir and the recent claim by Dr. Bryan Ardis that remdesivir is derived from peptides whose origin is traced back to snake venom. We believe the public deserves to hear both sides of every issue, and we believe that Gilead deserves an opportunity to respond to these allegations and to answer additional questions we have about remdesivir safety vs. risks.
HUGE from Dr. Ed Group - he just texted me this in response to the snake venom breaking story...
The Antidote to ALL Poisons & The Most Suppressed Medical Secret [Revealed by Dr. Group in August 2021]
To anybody who doesn't yet realize that SNAKE VENOM is routinely used to develop pharmaceuticals and medical interventions, check out today's announcement from a company actually called, "VenomTech." They are bragging about, "Targeted-Venom Discovery Array™ (T-VDA™) libraries provide researchers with a straightforward solution to rapidly screen thousands of individual venom fragments, with each array specifically designed to maximise hits for a specific target."

Venomtech is collaborating with Charles River Laboratories, International Inc. to help drug developers explore venom-derived compounds for a wide range of therapeutic targets. 1990's Pfizer designs MERS-COV a genetically targeting Virus that was used in an attempted to WIPE OUT / GENOCIDE / ALL ARAB PEOPLES ..

Israel began R&D on an ethno-bomb meant to kill Arabs in the 1990s, using previous research from apartheid South Africa scientists.
The COVID Blog®The WHO is trying to create a "one world HEALTH government" authority that would rule over all nations. Extremely dangerous medical tyranny.
Stand for Health Freedom is trying to stop it. Details and petition here:

Do You Want an International Board to be Responsible for Your Health Decisions?
Stand for Health FreedomCLUE: The only way to reach zero emissions is to have zero population. So when governments say they want "zero emissions" and then they cancel pipelines, halt fertilizer exports and engineer a global food collapse, you know they're really aiming for ZERO PEOPLE.
It's gonna get bad. My podcast being recorded tonight and released Monday morning is all about the global CIVIL UNREST that will spontaneously emerge from sky-high grain prices / food prices / food scarcity.
But this time it's GLOBAL: Middle East, Africa, North America, Asia, Australia, Western Europe, etc. The West cuts off commerce, Russia cuts of energy and fertilizer, crops fail 2022 - 2024. Now IRREVERSIBLE. Social chaos follows... global upheaval and war.
Thought it was only Ukraine and Russia? Think again: HUNGARY halts wheat exports!
Effective immediately, no more grain will be exported from Hungary… world headed into global famine scenario

Hungary, one of Europe's most grain-rich countries, is halting all grain exports effective immediately. Just hours after Russia announced a ban on fertilizer exports, Hungary dropped a bomb on the world…
www.naturalnews.comWE DRIVE - The truckers' freedom anthem!
Support our truckers! Support the Ottawa event, now 50,000+ strong and growing!
Your prayers WORKED. My voice was totally wrecked from last week and I thought I was out for 1-2 weeks. Then people started praying for my recovery. Literally within 48 hours, my voice was restored enough to record a 30-minute podcast update. The power of prayer is very REAL! God heals!
Situation Update, Jan 26th, 2022 - My voice has suddenly HEALED! ... Here's the story
Supply chain collapse will now accelerate. 100% engineered.

The Biden White House is requiring all non-U.S. citizens – including Mexican and Canadian truck drivers – to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination in order to enter the country via all land ports of entry and ferry…
The National Pulse.@HealthRanger
UK physician tells patient that all covid vaxxes will be stopped soon, scroll down for video. Original tweet containing the video had been blocked.
What’s on the horizon for Vaccines?
Now The End Begins tells you,

Bill Gates from Microsoft is a founding partner in ID2020 Alliance, a project combining vaccinations with implantable microchips to create a digital ID.
Now The End Begins