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We lost this battle. Get over it and move on.
It's not going to change. No one id coming to save you except YOU and yours.
What is REAL, not perceived or hoped for.
What's real? It's simple now.
Submit or resist.
That's it in a nutshell.
Submit to an illegitimate, illegal federal government or resist them by ignoring and nullifying anything they say or do from this point forward.
Local Local Local State State State
Make sure they both are backing you up.
The hopeium merely freezes you in place thereby stopping you from deciding and acting.
The communist know they cannot resist us if we take action...consistent action so their only choice is to freeze us into inaction.
OODA with the reality you actually OBSERVE defeats them.
Don't wait for a leader or someone else. Each of us can take action on what we observe in our individual OODA loop.
DO IT TODAY and continue doing it from now on.
OODA People
Observe Orient Decide Act
Observe reality Not what you hope or wish for,,,Reality...What you see with your eyes
Orient to that reality
Decide based on that reality
Act on that reality
Lather, Rinse, Repeat until you win.
If you can't reasonably prove something, then it is NOT YOUR reality so you must ignore it until you can at some point in the future and move on to what you CAN reasonably prove.
This keeps you from being caught up in the hopeium epidemic and freezing you.
I'm anxiously awaiting the supposedly coming declassification of documents.
I think that is the real telltale sign of whether anything positive is going to come from Trump at this point.
Without that as the starting point, I'm not sure anything else can be or would be successful. It's possible I guess but certainly becomes much more difficult and unlikely.
Time is growing short.
I'm still concentrating on and preparing for the worst until I see the bicycle with a bow under the Christmas tree
Everything is speculation at this point. To include me and my thoughts. We have no true way of knowing what is truly happening at this point.
All we can do is look at and analyze the data points to the best of our ability.
At this point, to me, it appears that either Trump is in charge and playing them or they are in charge and setting up for a huge false flag.
I see no evidence of any type of impending invasion/attack. Again, militarily that would be a disaster.
The most likely reasoning behind the DC build-up is:
1. Over reaction - possible but unlikely
2. Setup for a false flag event to blame conservatives for it and start the gun confiscation. possible and likely.
Everything is pointing in that direction at this point. It's what communist do and have done throughout recent history. They have to have a target for their hatred.
So the only way we are looking at an outside attack if if it is coordinated by our own government.
Is that possible? I don't think so because there are still 400 million or so firearms in this Country. Does anyone really believe that the 1-2 million vets would just sit there and let an invasion happen without fighting back in some way?
Stop an think people. Logistically America would be a nightmare to attack. Armies MUST have supplies to operate. LOTS of supplies.
I'm an old vet. I have always loved military history and their actions through history.
I realize some have talked about an invasion. Let's look at that.
The way I see it, the only way that happens is if our own government actively allows it.
Any troops movements toward us would be noticed immediately.
There are ZERO troop movements anywhere except to DC.
Why would ANY attacker focus only on DC? Tactically stupid and immediate defeat. It would NOT disable the Country OR the government.
Not sure what is going on in DC but something definitely. As a Vet, you don't just get 20000+ troops together for the fun of it. There's a reason and it's NOT a non-exitent Xiden inauguration. That's supposedly virtual.
There really is only two options that I see.
Either Trump/military IS doing something or the communist are preparing to solidify their base of power and begin a real communist style purge.
At this point, it's hard to point definitely at either option. Either is possible.
No matter what happens in the near future and that is still all very debatable. I still believe we all need to concentrate on our local county and state governments and ensure they fully support us and the Constitution.
One idea that has been out there for a while is this:
It's going to come down to nullifying anything that comes out of the federal government.
They are coming for us and it's already started.

@DiamondTNT I hope you are right but I doubt it seriously. I think he has missed the window of opportunity that he had but again, I hope I am wrong.
That would be some "crow" I would love to eat.
So I wonder what "codes" people are going to find in Trump's speech tonight.
I can tell you what I heard in it.
Bend over and get ready to take it anywhere they choose to give it.
Local Local Local
You better be working on your local and state governments to have your backs or you are on your own.
We don't want violence.
But I ask, is slavery/serfdom more desirable than violence?
Is slavery/serfdom more desirable than avoiding the use of force to attain freedom?
This is where we truly are and everyone is avoiding answering those questions. Honestly. Truthfully.
We truly are at the moment of committing our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor or choosing slavery/serfdom.
The choice is ours but a choice must be made and then actions taken.
A choice by default is still a choice.
@HealthRanger Vox Day just said in a post "Nancy Pelosi sure seems to be a) scared and b) in an awful hurry. I wonder what has her in such a tizzy on this happy Rubicon Day?"
So another reliable source mentioning "rubicon day."
Time will tell but evidence is growing it seems.
@HealthRanger Something to watch Mike to see if true. This is evidently codemonkey's site. I've lurked there for years but somehow missed that until now. I've never been much for social media until now with the alt sources.
@LLinWood_SDGbot Unfortunately he is my senator I'm ashamed to say.
We were yet again pushed into voting for him to keep from giving his seat to a democrat.
Never again, no matter who is running against him. Better to have an enemy face to face than someone who stabs you in the back. At least face to face you have a chance to protect yourself.
The voxday post is still under scrutiny since the link it refers to for a "new" order is signed by Batten, the same judge that did the original.
Another perspective.
Looks like now maybe another judge has stepped in but I haven't confirmed that from other sources yet.
Now the same judge has reversed his own cease and desist order stating that defendants do not control the voting machines the county election officials do.
So the Sec. of State who is in control of the state elections does not control the election machines.
Ummmmmm ok
This is insane!