The most likely reasoning behind the DC build-up is:
1. Over reaction - possible but unlikely
2. Setup for a false flag event to blame conservatives for it and start the gun confiscation. possible and likely.
Everything is pointing in that direction at this point. It's what communist do and have done throughout recent history. They have to have a target for their hatred.
@lordchamp55 Patience Friend! Shakespeare couldn't write a more fitting tragedy...
Somebody - retired security I think - said the fences put up everywhere have their bolts on the wrong sides.
They should be securing on the inside but he said they had been put up on the outside...& therefore could easily be undone & someone walk through - for false flag aggression.
If this is true, it needs to be publicised- or a photo taken - so that it can be shown to be a set up, if it happens.
@lordchamp55 With 30 thousand troops there, you'd have to be a suicidal moron. NO one will get away with killing a FLY in Washington. maybe one of these criminals that they early released from prison has been offered money from the FBI or even worse, Someone who has been hypnotized (manchurian candidate) to do the deed? I don't CARE what these retards in government say, Without 2/3rds majority vote to amend the constitution, they can't STEAL OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS from us and our CONSTITUTION!