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Video: Trans Non-Binary Teacher Says 3-Year-Old Children Should Be Taught About Sex
Joe Biden called for "regime change" in Russia, begging Russia's generals to take out Putin. What's actually happening - CONFIRMED - is regime change in the USA. Joe Biden is now in the process of being taken out by the U.S. intelligence generals, so to speak. It has already begun.
Full details in tomorrow's Situation Update podcast.
We are LIVING in the TRIBULATION: Mike Adams interviews Melissa Red Pill
New podcast (9 min) WAKE UP! Globalist attacks keep RED-PILLING everyone
Trump Launches New Hillary For Prison Ad #HillaryForPrison #LockHerUp
Tracy Baenz
There's no suspense for me any more. Durham got it all. And the moment that federal judge ruled that Hillary's crooked lawyers participated with her in planning and then the commission of several federal crimes, her claims of attorney/client privilege to hide the documents was destroyed. And Durham's grand jury got it all. And when Durham got it all, this was over. We're just waiting for the third act to begin.
Beto O’Rourke Reverses Course: ‘Not Interested’ in Taking Firearms, Wants to ‘Defend Second Amendment’ #2A #USA #betonot
Cop Interrupts Catholic Mass to Enforce Face Mask Order
70 Per Cent of Americans Say It’s Time to ‘Accept COVID and Get On With Our Lives’
Schools installing litter boxes for students who identify as cats.

I’m troubled by the headline. Running CFP and writing headlines is so weird sometimes. Midland Public Schools in Michigan. 400+ Comments — Teac…
CITIZEN FREE PRESSCalifornia Democrats Introduce Bill To Lower Age Of Consent To 12 For All Vaccines
Emergency Saturday Broadcast!
The American Dystopia Has Arrived:
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Insanely long line of cars full of "moronic" humans lining up for fake covid swab tests using bogus PCR analysis that has zero scientific basis... Planet Earth is full of people who are too stupid to pass this simple IQ test...

“Here’s the line of cars waiting for free #COVID19 tests on Mill Rd in Milwaukee. And no- I didn’t drive that fast. It’s sped up 4x.”
TwitterA very informative video on Brighteon about the IMEI unique identifier on your phone, and why it means Google and Apple can track you no matter what:
Journalist Who Staged Her Own Rape Now Brags About Surgically Attaching Her New Penis