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New on RSTV | Hello Holodomor, USA
Because when rogue individuals carry out sabotage, it’s called terrorism. But when the government carries out sabotage, it’s called “policy.”
#MikeAdams #NaturalNews #EngineeredFamine #Climate #Starvation #KillGridCountdown
I imagine the unique enclave of refugee truth seekers who have subscribed to Rock Stone Report and the rowdy rockers of the RSTV MEDIA \m/ MILITIA (Join us for free at today!) are more or less a lot like I am. Before this whole covid attack on humanity started, we wouldn’t have considered ourselves to be any sort of political activist or kooky conspiracy theorist-type. Then, from out of nowhere, some novel disease is said to have appeared and suddenly a bunch of two-faced bureaucrats – and not our elected representatives – were using it as an excuse to lock us down, close our local businesses, and force inject us with an experimental mRNA gene therapy serum, or else!
Listen to my narration of the full post and read along on RSTV:
Rock Stone Report LIVE | Apolitical News Commentary | Anarchist Podcast | NEW EPISODE |
So, You Say You Want a Revolution?
Grab your pictures of Chairman Mao.
Could it be possible that China is in the most ideal position now to not only take Taiwan but continue sailing their battleships to California? Is Beijing secretly controlling our government through the stolen Biden administration? Are all signs pointing to World War III?
Apolitical News Commentary | Anarchist Podcast | Breaking the Dream Spell of the New World Order
COBRA-19: The Virus is Venom
Through the COVID-19 Looking Glass
Considering that the calculated COVID-19 lethality in 2020 was less than 1% of the population, in comparison with the lethality of COVID-19 vaccines estimated at more than 40% of those injected in 2021, where is the justification for abnegating criminal charges against those responsible for this democide? #COVID19 #venom #vaccines #DrArdis #MikeAdams #MikeAdamsRocks #RockStoneReport
Apolitical News Commentary | RSTV - MEDIA \m/ MILITIA
#Canada using #COVID19 #pandemic as cover to help #WEF achieve #GreatReset agenda

Newly uncovered documents proved that the Canadian government have used the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as leverage to bring the country more in line with the desires of the World Economic Forum…
newstarget.comThe Documentary "Out of Shadows" about Hollywood and the CIA was removed from my YT channel and they gave me a strike for CYBERBULLYING. Hmmm... Do you think it was the PIZZAGATE stuff that got their AI all worked up?
@DiamondTNT "Time for a channel." is 100% accurate! ROCK ON \m/ my friend.
The Documentary "Out of Shadows" about Hollywood and the CIA was removed from my YT channel and they gave me a strike for CYBERBULLYING. Hmmm... Do you think it was the PIZZAGATE stuff that got their AI all worked up?
I appealed their decision (you get 800 characters to beg them to reconsider). See screenshot:
The Documentary "Out of Shadows" about Hollywood and the CIA was removed from my YT channel and they gave me a strike for CYBERBULLYING. Hmmm... Do you think it was the PIZZAGATE stuff that got their AI all worked up?
Announcing the NWO on Rock Stone Report LIVE: A New World Order, where you no longer have human rights, you will take forced injections, you will not stop forced injections of children, you will wear a dirty slave muzzle, you will not be allowed to leave the house, there will be checkpoints, you will be censored, you must test often, take your booster, pay your taxes and die. #NWO #RSTV #podcast