Registered Nurse, Conservative, Entrepreneur
Diesel rationing could hit East Coast this summer, refinery owner says, Friday, May 13, 2022:"The East Coast of the U.S. could face a worsening diesel shortage this summer, John Catsimatidis, CEO of United Refining Co., said in an interview with Bloomberg. United produces some 70,000 barrels of petroleum products each day and sells gasoline throughout western New York and ."
#Diesel #Rationing #DieselShortage #NurseUp #Trucks #Refiners

Diesel prices have hit a new high. In a Bloomberg interview, one fuel station owner warned of rationing on the East Coast.
FreightWavesMaher: Biden Tried to Get off Fossil Fuels without a Replacement, and Now We’re Begging the Saudis for Oil, June 18, 2022:"On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher argued that when people try to get off fossil fuels before there is a replacement ready, “they wind up going back to even worse fossil fuels.”
#JoeBiden #Oil #Gas #FossilFuels #OPEC #EnergyPolicy #NurseUp #GasPrices #gasoline

On Friday's broadcast of HBO's "Real Time," host Bill Maher argued that when people try to get off fossil fuels before there is a replacement ready, "they | Clips