I'm probably speaking to the wind on this but has it occurred to anyone that AI might be the Mark of the Beast? AI is only as good as the people programming it. Take Mike for example. He has his own programmed AI because he wants "the truth out there." It's his personal version of what's healthy and what's not. Everyone seems to be running toward AI like it is essential truth and information. I don't feel that way, AI is very dangerous and to be honest I have a bad feeling about it. I offer caution people. What if AI is the Mark of the Beast? You may have to decide later on to use it or not. No groceries, or work without it. This is a time when the world needs to THINK FIRST and act later. Use discernment wisely here.
@Thyme1967 I’m pretty sure if you’re a Christian you will know who the beast is. You will have to renounce Jesus Christ as the Son of God to take the mark.