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Hey y'all, Leah and Michelle here! We're just a couple of sisters who own an urban farm in Ohio. We hope to offer you REAL, relevant news, with maybe a few laughs on the side. We want to empower you, the Resistance, with tools to stand up against tyranny from all sides. As we always say, "we don't lean to the Right and we don't lean to the Left... we lean on the Word of God." So everything you hear from us will be filtered through that. We stand for a righteous America, the one our Founding Fath
Thread John Locke. PG here, 3.) Yesterday we talked about man's responsibility to provide for him self. Earn his own substance starting at 2 to 3 years old. Land is for everyone to gat married, raise children, grow food and animals. Horses for transportation. gold and silver coins are money. What is happening that people can not obey God? The use of counterfeit money to kill, seal and destroy the population by the evilest. With paper fiat counterfeit gold and silver derivatives, they institutionalize everything. Marriage, raising children, caring for the elderly. It is called many names. Communism, collectivism, Marxism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, monarchy, tyranny, etc. Turning the natural things of life into a business. All cold and unnatural. The Borg. Satan is the head.
BOYCOTT all monopoLIES
Do not use META
BUY LOCALLY, and support local businesses
Support and love LOCALLY; if they are not your friend, they will become your enemy. So it is wise to make friends locally and agree that the world has one enemy and that is the EUGENICS DEATH CULT that are pulling all the strings while never being mentioned.
Our goal, should be to move away from building, and everyone have enough land that they can grow food to support the people that live on that land, so if there is a building, there must also be enough land near by where the people can use that land to produce both plant and animal foods. And I mean walking distance. That is sustainable.
The EUGENICS DEATH CULT need two things
Political POWER and
Nuclear POWER
World UN elected Political power is what the UN hopes to be and
World WAR requires Nuclear POWER for WEAPONS, for AI, for AI terminators killer bots, and to keep everyone paying the monopoLIES with a monthly electrical bill.
The EUGENICS DEATH CULT must know of a power source that would
end NUCLEAR, and I believe that they have been blocking the science and
any knowledge that would lead to a world that was without Nuclear.
I believe the war against our children, our foods, and their ability to reproduce is all because they know that they will loose all their power if
a healthy form of electricity was the norm.
So if you have any books, guard them.
I could go on, but our survival depends on getting as many people doing the exact opposite of what the EUGENICS DEATH CULT wants.
And BOYCOTTING any system that would lead to us being
used as lab rats so science can introduce KILL SWITCHES in our
DNA. And note any changes to our DNA, "WILL" be in our next generation.
As NUCLEAR waste has a half life and after hundreds of years the danger gets less.
HOWEVER bio weapons work the opposite, think about it like a skip on a record and every time the ship gets hit the needle pops up and comes down on the record and creates a little more damage. Over time, the damage gets so bad that the record is not worth playing.
DNA is like that, when MERCK put PEANUT PRODUCTS in the
FRANKENSCIENCE bio weapons that they call vaccines, the next generation had children that would get very sick or even die if they consumed a peanut.
This is how DNA bio weapons work and
Monsanto created "Agent Orange" during war time to remove the leafs off of the trees instantly, and many generations later, people are on facebook saying that their children are still being born with chronic illnesses.
Monsanto / Bayer are forcing ROUND UP to be put on our foods !!!
Our waste is going to our fresh water streams, during a war when there is no power, our waste will be going to our fresh water streams without being processed because there will be no power.
This is all by design, even our bread has been made toxic and it is known during a depression that peanuts and bread kept people alive.
But not next time.
This is how much that the EUGENICS DEATH CULT has been planing
world depopulation and world sterilization of our foods sources and our children.
Do NOT GET a PCR tests, they provide the NUMBERS for them
to push their depopulation and sterilization by FRANKENSCIENCE
We have to remove ALL REMOTE and DUAL citizenship people and corporations from having power over our country.
Lastly, security is not exposing your details,
being anonymous online is key.
Imagine a world where computers, corporations, and all digital devices are being hacked, and the EUGENICS DEATH CULT has the money for Quantum computers that can OUT SMART any "CRYpto" pump and dump and can also hack anything that we have control over.
There is NO such thing as security online, or digitally, and never will be
the "CRY"pto is just another money laundering tool which pretends to be a PONZI scheme.
Think about it !!!