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Hey y'all, Leah and Michelle here! We're just a couple of sisters who own an urban farm in Ohio. We hope to offer you REAL, relevant news, with maybe a few laughs on the side. We want to empower you, the Resistance, with tools to stand up against tyranny from all sides. As we always say, "we don't lean to the Right and we don't lean to the Left... we lean on the Word of God." So everything you hear from us will be filtered through that. We stand for a righteous America, the one our Founding Fath
PG here, Extra John Locke, Page 8b of 40. Day 16 Freedom of Religion. No one can be forced into a certain denomination or forced to worship God the way the government tells men. All churches need to have laws, rules who can stay who is excommunicated..........
{I say it is a free and voluntary society. Nobody is born a member of any church; otherwise the religion of parents would descend unto children by the same right of inheritance as their temporal estates, and everyone would hold his faith by the same tenure he does his lands, than which nothing can be imagined more absurd. Thus, therefore, that matter stands. No man by nature is bound unto any particular church or sect, but everyone joins himself voluntarily to that society in which he believes he has found that profession and worship which is truly acceptable to God. The hope of salvation, as it was the only cause of his entrance into that communion, so it can be the only reason of his stay there. For if afterwards he discover anything either erroneous in the doctrine or incongruous in the worship of that society to which he has joined himself, why should it not be as free for him to go out as it was to enter? No member of a religious society can be tied with any other bonds but what proceed from the certain expectation of eternal life. A church, then, is a society of members voluntarily uniting to that end. It follows now that we consider what is the power of this church and unto what laws it is subject. Forasmuch as no society, how free soever, or upon whatsoever slight occasion instituted, whether of philosophers for learning, of merchants for commerce, or of men of leisure for mutual conversation and discourse, no church or company, I say, can in the least subsist and hold together, but will presently dissolve and break in pieces, unless it be regulated by some laws, and the members all consent to observe some order. Place and time of meeting must be agreed on; rules for admitting and excluding members must be established; distinction of officers, and putting things into a regular course, and suchlike, cannot be omitted.}