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Hey y'all, Leah and Michelle here! We're just a couple of sisters who own an urban farm in Ohio. We hope to offer you REAL, relevant news, with maybe a few laughs on the side. We want to empower you, the Resistance, with tools to stand up against tyranny from all sides. As we always say, "we don't lean to the Right and we don't lean to the Left... we lean on the Word of God." So everything you hear from us will be filtered through that. We stand for a righteous America, the one our Founding Fath
PG here Thread 1.) John Locke section 89......"the legislative thereof, to make laws for him, as the public good of the society."
...This is used in the Declaration of Independence. "The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his "#AssenttoLaws," the most wholesome and necessary for the "#publicgood."
Tuesday, March 25, 2025, Chapter 7 "Of Political or Civil Society," "Second Treatise of Government" by John Locke, pages 40 and 41, Day 43, sections 90 and 91 start with the words "civil society." The mere understanding of civil society was found in yesterday's reading in Section 89. All men are in "a state of nature."
PG here, 2.) Men alone by themselves "to defend" themselves and their property: their freedom, labor, personal belongings, wives and children, land, herds, crops, duties, responsibilities, worship, and love of God, his beliefs, i.e., his happiness. Others in "a state of nature" would try to take what he has and enslave him under their arbitrary authority and use them as they please. Just like a man uses an animal and puts a bit in it's mouth to carry the man's weight.
...One man will try to do to another man, as the one without God is lazy and will not take care to do what God asks of him in the garden of Eden. To till the soil, dominate the earth, be god stewards of the animals and crops, then go out and multiply, have offspring, and raise them under God's authority to populate the earth.
3.) Men enter a contract, a compact, an agreement between them and God, submitting to God first for all laws, rules, fairness, and justice to protect each other in a civil society. Nothing is arbitrary. . All men must be under the laws of God. Or the "Laws of God" Laws of nature and nature's God (Declaration of Independence) are above all men. Then men are no longer in "the state of nature" but join a society and have the society's protection of their property.
4.)...Section 89: Where-ever therefore any number of men are so united into one society, as to quit everyone his executive power of the law of nature, and to resign it to the public, there and there only is a political, or civil society. And this is done, where-ever any number of men, in the state of nature, enter into society to make one people, one body politic, under one supreme government; or else when any one joins himself to, and incorporates with any government already made: for hereby he authorizes the society, or which is all one, the legislative thereof, to make laws for him, as the public good of the society shall require; to the execution whereof, his own assistance (as to his own decrees) is due.
5.) And this puts men out of a state of nature into that of a
commonwealth, by setting up a judge on earth, with authority to determine all the controversies, and redress the injuries that may happen to any member of the commonwealth; which judge is the legislative, or magistrates appointed by it. And where-ever there are any number of men, however associated, that have no such decisive power to appeal to, there they are still in the state of nature