The NWO is a religious group. The USA's failure to control sociopaths led to our current depopulation mess. (DC, CNIM NC USA)
Every wonder what the Walking Dead was about? They never named the virus but I think it was about covid (prion) infected humans, sick, starving from NWO societal attacks, desperate to survive but ultimately a threat to themselves and others. If they get their fluid into you now you're infected with prions. Exactly the same as the TV show. It was foretold.
Bastards always tell us what they are going to do. I used to think TWD was pure fiction until the CDC put a scenario of zombies on their website several years ago. My X who got both jabs is hysterical about us, the unvaxxed. Asked him if he was ready for the 3rd, he didn't hesitate to say yes. One day will he turn us in? Probably, to Help us you know....