Pro-Life, #2A, , #TEXIT, SCV, Democrats are evil Marxist devils. TX born, presently in CommiFornia. #TrumpWon. #Trump2024. Biden is an illegitimate President. FIGHT THE GREAT RESET
Member since Jul 2021
The USMCA threatens U.S. national sovereignty and moves us closer to a North American Union, long-pursued by globalists. And under the globalist strategy of “progressive regionalization,” regional orders are the first step to a world government. The U.S. must withdraw from this agreement and reject any other agreement or treaty that threatens our constitutional liberties.https://jbs.org/alert/get-us-out-of-the-usmca/

Get US Out! of the USMCA
The USMCA threatens U.S. national sovereignty and moves us closer to a North American Union, long-pursued by globalists.
The John Birch Society