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Pro-Life, #2A, , #TEXIT, SCV, Democrats are evil Marxist devils. TX born, presently in CommiFornia. #TrumpWon. #Trump2024. Biden is an illegitimate President. FIGHT THE GREAT RESET
Pro-Life, #2A, , #TEXIT, SCV, Democrats are evil Marxist devils. TX born, presently in CommiFornia. #TrumpWon. #Trump2024. Biden is an illegitimate President. FIGHT THE GREAT RESET
The USMCA threatens U.S. national sovereignty and moves us closer to a North American Union, long-pursued by globalists. And under the globalist strategy of “progressive regionalization,” regional orders are the first step to a world government. The U.S. must withdraw from this agreement and reject any other agreement or treaty that threatens our constitutional liberties.

The USMCA threatens U.S. national sovereignty and moves us closer to a North American Union, long-pursued by globalists.
The John Birch SocietyThe groups also demand that the university administration “reaffirm support for the multicultural center on campus as a safe space from White Supremacy.”

From Fox News:Several left-leaning student organizations at Arizona State University are demanding that their administration
Sean HannityPublic comment on OSHA vaccine mandate. GO COMMENT OR LOSE YOUR FREEDOM - the stay is NOT final. Takes only a minute.
The Build Back Bolshevik bill - A Trojan Horse for Marxism.

The Build Back Better abomination being pushed through Congress by the Democrats will completely restructure the U.S. economy and our way of life, institutionalizing racism and climate decrees while bankrupting…
thenewamerican.comAnyone who hears the horrific "vaccine" injuries reported by these people and still chooses to get the jab must be certifiably insane.
Please take action - stop this Marxist from being confirmed

Tell your U.S. senator to unequivocally reject Omarova’s nomination and to only confirm those who wholeheartedly stand up for our nation’s founding values.
The John Birch SocietyThis lecture was originally filmed in 1969 as a comprehensive introduction to The John Birch Society. The passing of years only serves to make this presentation even more impressive by illustrating that the Society's principles have not changed.....And the description of the tactics used by the left/progressives/Marxists are as spot on today as they were in 1969.
Could there be anyone so vapid, ignorant, and stupid in politics?

It was in 2019 that O'Rourke said, during his presidential run, "Hell yes, we're gonna take your AR-15." O'Rourke failed in that bid.
thepostmillennial.comKeep tabs on dangerous legislation from The John Birch Society. We can no longer be silent - Join the fight and speak out.
Be among the first to know and act on when proposed legislation infringes on our personal rights, security, prosperity, or on our constitutional republic’s independence or security.
Text “JBS” to 1-800-527-8721 to receive legislative action alerts via text.