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Pray this
Holy Father, there is nothing more important than Your présence in my life. Help me to be a Holy place for Your Spirit to dwell. For give me of all Sin and cleanse my heart of all unrighteousness.
Pray for America's healing based on 2 Chron 7.14
The Fereral Reserve is really a cartel with a government façade. It is a legal private monopoly a franchise to create money out of nothing to create booms and busts. Extract from
Prosperity is it by law or grace
Heavenly Father, I thank you and praise you for all YOU have given me. Help me to give back to you with the same heart of praise I have when I receive from you.
In that Hé says "A new Covenant Hé (Jesus) has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing Old is ready to vanish away (Hebrews 8.13)
Stewart Robertson author of
Prosperity is it by law or grace
Speaking of Jesus
But now Hé has obtained a more excellent ministry inasmuch as Hé is also Mediator of a better Covenant which was established on better promises.
Hebrews 8.6.
THE law was given through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ
(John 1.17)
When Jesus said "It is finished on the cross" The Old Covenant was to finish and the New Covenant was about to begin.
Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living, and the other helps you make a life. If you lack wisdom the Bible says ask God and Hé Will give it to you. Stewart Robertson author of
Prosperity is it by law or grace
What are the advantages of living a righteous life? It Will prevent the death of your business, your marriage, and your health. (Proverbs 11.5)
Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is its Shame. (Proverbs 14.34)
Extract from
Prosperity is it by law or grace
Always ask YOURSELF "WHAT is the most effective use of my time right now.?" Correct priorites mean God's priorites, and God's priority is kingdom first. Extract from
Prosperity is it by law or grace
Think of time as a currency, Just as you use money to buy things,use time to purchase life. Our quality of life is in direct proportion to how we spend our time. Extract from
Prosperity is it by law or grace
Plan as if you are going to have a long life in retirement and live as if Jesus is coming to take us home today. (1 Thess 4.16)
Stewart Robertson author of
Prosperity is it by law or grace.
As your Love for Jesus and the wonderful Holy Spirit and awesome wonder of God, grows, the things of this WORLD grow strangely dim.
Kingdom living is having a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, Who now dwells inside the believer's heart.
Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that Spirit of God dwells in you (1 Cor 3.16)
1 CHRONICLES 16.1-27
I failed english at high school but when I became a Christian God gave me a great desire to read. I now lend out bks. Stewart Robertson author of
Prosperity is it by law or grace
Lamentations 3.23
The US marine motto is the Latin phrase Semper Fidelis which means Always faithful
So whether you are an employee, a husband or wife a boyfriend, a girlfriend Always be faithful
BE like the postage stamp it never gives up when it is licked
In a study of 7715 cancer patiënts over 15 yrs, 99 percent sufferd constipation. In rural Africa constipation was virtually non - existent, and so too was cancer. Extract from
Prosperity is it by law or grace.
3 times the veg diet of Western diet.
This is where secondary tumours are formed by the cells of the primary growth, which detach and colonise elsewhere in the body. Extract from
Prosperity is it by law or grace
The amazing thing is cancer is really a disease of modern civilisation, and it is practically unknown among primitive People being nourished on a simple diet
Extract from
Prosperity is it by law or grace
The more endurance exercise you do in conjunction with a low fat/low - cholesterol diet, the faster you Will clean the lining of your arteries. Cancer among athletes is only one seventh of the population. Extract from
Prosperity is it by law or grace.
Research has shown that compared to the poorer populations of the WORLD, civilised People consume up to 7 times as much fat, 6 times as much sugar, and double the protein. They do not show signs of heart disease or diabetes. Extract from
Prosperity is it by law or grace