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Just interviewed Alan Dershowitz on the topic of free speech. He didn't hold back. The full interview should post on Friday.
Looks like Texas Gov. Abbott is in the pocket of Big Tech. He just smeared Gab, calling it "anti-Semitic" and claims it doesn't belong in Texas. What tech giant crawled up his ass today and made him say this? Disgusting...
This is a very informative Monkey Werx interview with a former White House insider / staffer who explains what went wrong and how the deep state swamp creatures SURROUNDED Trump at all times, blocking everything he tried to do:
To see the NEW evidence of "absolute proof" of vote fraud, fast forward to 1 hour, 36 minutes, of the new Mike Lindell video:
If you haven't yet read this from Patrick Byrne, it's a pretty gloomy overview of the clusterfest that was the post-election White House. According to Byrne, there is no plan at all. Just a bunch of clowns, basically.
Full article + podcast:
Situation Update, Jan 29th – America becomes a terror state as governments wage terror campaigns against their own people

In yesterday's Situation Update podcast, I revealed that all the seemingly insane events of Big Government can best be understood by realizing the globalists are pursuing an active campaign of global genocide…
www.naturalnews.comTotally insane for the DOJ to criminally charge Doug Mackey for a 2016 meme. Where are all the charges against the deep state traitors and seditious actors? This is not EQUAL justice... it's SELECTIVE prosecution! Outrage!

“Tucker Carlson On Biden's DOJ Going After Doug Mackey Over Memes He Posted During The 2016 Election "What you may be wondering does a case like this mean for the 1st Amendment. Well, it means that it…
TwitterI am seeing a huge political backlash forming against the Biden agenda, almost a political BLOCKADE shaping up. This is good news. The filibuster looks like it will be kept in place in the Senate, which means the most destructive Biden legislation will be blocked there, and Biden will be relegated to issuing executive orders that can be challenged by the courts or ignored by the states. Biden is already being told to STUFF IT!
Also, it accomplishes absolutely nothing for people to whine and complain about the current situation. Whiners are losers. Winners are fighters! Most of the people now blaming Trump for not doing anything are people who, themselves, didn't do anything either. No more excuses, and there's no time for whining. We either get busy clawing our way back to freedom, or we get steamrolled. And those pushing hopelessness are part of the problem, not the solution.
Folks, no matter what the military decides to do or NOT do, it's still absolutely crucial for every person to become ACTIVE in local civil activities and politics. VOICE the suffering under the Biden regime. Demand your local representatives nullify bad laws from Washington. Expose the insanity of left-wing policies that are destroying America. People have been isolated from civic action for too long and real Americans (patriots) need to get active.
For those who think the rigged election is over, you're in for a surprise...
Trump successfully transferred power to the military, which is now running the show and waiting for the right moment to move against Biden. The bad news is we're in for a very rough year, and Biden will continue to pretend to be president for several months, it looks like. Today's Situation Update reveals what you can do to help remove Biden ASAP:
Also, for the record, I don't know whether the "corporation vs. republic" theory of current events is anything that's going to pan out. It's a fascinating legal theory, and it has been cited by one of my key sources, but to me it still sounds very difficult to see how "paperwork" is going to be the decisive factor here. So much of government stems from FALSE authority anyway. 90% of what government does is bluffing. And if people accept the bluff, then the bluff has power.
Yes, what I have to share tomorrow is mostly GOOD news in the sense that the white hats inside the military have NOT been defeated. They are still very much alive and active, but the timelines have been altered and delayed, and we all need to hunker down for the long haul (many many months). The single most important factor now in triggering the white hat phase is the plummeting popularity of Biden. It needs to fall below 35%. More details tomorrow...
SNEAK PREVIEW. New 1 minute introduction audio for the new podcast launching next week, "Occupied America."
Do you like it? Going to focus on resistance against tyranny.

Take note that all the big violent attacks in America (the really big ones) all happen under DEMOCRAT presidents. Know why? Because they're all false flag operations to demonize conservatives. Many more yet to come under Biden, no doubt...
The upshot of what we now know is that there is still a narrow path to save America, but it falls upon the military, not Trump. And the military looks fractured. At the highest levels, it's all traitors, but below those leaders, it's mostly patriots. We don't yet know how it all shakes out, but DC is clearly being prepared for WAR against a nation state-scale attack of some kind. This is NOT about a few knucklehead protesters...
So what do you all think? Are Steve Pieczinik, Simon Parkes, Robert David Steele, Charlie Ward and Lin Wood all correct that Trump wins and is sworn in next week, or do you think they're all wrong and we're all being subjected to an elaborate psyop?
This is part of the topic of my situation update podcast for tomorrow, btw. Comments welcome.
About my earlier post on the imminent arrest of Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump Jr, I cannot reveal the source but you would recognize their name immediately. This is not news I share gleefully. The truth is, everyone near Trump is in grave danger right now. The tyrants are on a rampage. And there are times when I have to protect the source. But I was on a call with this source directly. This is not secondhand information. It's straight from the source.