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Coming Soon Current Target Date
Live St Patrick’s Day 2025. Time (TBD)
With your HOST
The Man In The Mirror CPT KC
A different perspective on all things under Heaven above that will hopefully not only inform but also
make the daily battle we face against the evil forces that would take us all, a little less heavy of a burden to carry, maybe even lift the spirits of my fellow Bro’s & Sis’s & hopefully make you laugh & carry a little lighter heart from the time we have together.
Coming Soon Current Target Date
Live St Patrick’s Day 2025. Time (TBD)
With your HOST
The Man In The Mirror CPT KC
A different perspective on all things under Heaven above that will hopefully not only inform but also
make the daily battle we face against the evil forces that would take us all, a little less heavy of a burden to carry, maybe even lift the spirits of my fellow Bro’s & Sis’s & hopefully make you laugh & carry a little lighter heart from the time we have together.
Why will Trump’s MAGA never work?
Tune in soon to the Man-In-The-Mirror w/Cpt KC for this answer and more.
I am thinking the answer is right in front of US (double entendre).
Wanted to share a post that I did in response to one of Mike Adams reports about RFK and J.D Vance.
Mike, watched this show today. I am a regular listener. Will be launching a new podcast in the next few weeks and will be using your platform thanks for having it for us. (Shameless plug I know but just in case anyone cares).
I really wanted to say that I admired your humility today in saying you may have been wrong about RFK with the faith and hope you put in him ( I know jury is still out), if we end up being fooled again. I was there at one time too, we all have been. Takes a lot of heart to admit one may be wrong, but remember It’s Your RIGHT TO BE WRONG, we used to call it learning. I also wanted to say that I see your efforts to emulate the qualities of the master and admire them as well.
I do wish to offer some info that may differ from yours about J.D. Vance.
This part has stuck me odd from the beginning and it is a what we call in the Army a good indication that something may not be quite right. J.D.’s money man Peter T. sits on the Bilderberg group steering committee. Alex J and others spent years covering the dangers of this group and now he and others are backing a President with a V.P. financed and built by a member ( I assume you have to be a member to be on the steering committee) of the B.G. This is a good thing now? How did that happen?
Anyway, if any of that matters to anyone other than me, I guess we will see. This is just my perspective for what that’s worth.
I plan to cover this and far more in my pod cast. I just negotiated a spot on a small radio station to carry the new show and would like to bring the alternative media to the station, which they have agreed to, it would be a thrill and honor to have you on sometime, I know you are busy and have request from bigger names than me so I understand if I never hear back. I will try and help promote you and others as best as I can.
The shows theme is Before Kingdoms Change
It starts and ends with The Man In The Mirror, so I am trying to start with me (almost a M.J. Quote ).
I will be offering a very different perspective on everything going on now, many will not like it but it will be like you my most honest, sincere attempt to inform my brothers & sisters of what is really happening. I have to say that everything we are going through right now is just another control operation lead by a pied piper that we were completely prepped and it has been carried out like no other. It is masterful in its complexity and how far it reaches and how far it goes back I will name the names give the history spell it all out. It is amazing and like always unbelievable and at its core The same thing that every operation that has ever been run on us has ever been Evil. I actually hope I’m wrong in this case and if I am well, I guess I’ll be learning.
Peace be with you all.
Coming soon
A show that will piss everyone off or at the very least just be ignored.
We’re gonna make such an absence of any splash not even the hint of a shadow of a ripple will appear on the radar of any sane individual
A show where the host CPT kTc is absolutely out of his cotton picking mind.
You haven’t met a cat that is this far far gone, locco, bonkers, furra de testa,
So drop in, turn out & tune on you could learn a lot from a dummy.