This story is from last April: State Farm announces it won’t renew 72,000 property insurance policies in California to avoid financial collapse due to a wave of claims (
State Farm knew something big was coming. California is now facing financial collapse from this single fire incident. It's almost like someone from the deep state sent out a memo last year, saying, "We're gonna cause a catastrophic damage event that will financial devastate California." You can hardly blame insurers for not wanting to participate in that, if they knew... And now California may be facing nearly HALF A TRILLION dollars in claims (Bloomberg News, actually $458 billion due to "FAIR Plan" - see

California’s biggest home insurance provider, State Farm, has announced that it will be discontinuing coverage for tens of thousands of policies in the state this summer in a move that many are interpreting… I wouldn't be surprised when the dust settles that there's evidence of directed energy weapons used to start these fires, similar to Lahaina, Hawaii & Paradise, Calif.
@winter27 @HealthRanger That's a given. I'd be more surprised if the official story were true.
Plus weather weapons to explain the droughts n extreme winds. We're currently being hit w/extreme wind gusts thousands of miles to the east, for days.