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Retired Factory Automation Specialists
Retired Factory Automation Specialists
I can't get in to do a Medical Procedure because all the rooms are full of COVID19 Jab Victims. I can't schedule any rooms a head of time. I have to hire a Nurse to Drive me home and stay with me for 24 hrs. Great I am Dying with COVID, then put that down because it is true and you can collect your COVID Bonusses. I knew it would have fight to dirty to get me and it found away
I knew it! Trump and Russians are behind the Canada Truck Rally.
I can't take it anymore. I give in to the Woke Philosophy. I have started watering my plants with Gator Aid and only eat at Taco Bell.
There is something that I don't understand about Ashley's Murder. There is a video clip that has magically disappeared of the two SWAT team officers that were standing behind her. They were not even interested in her until she was shot and one officer pulled down on the shooter until he was waved off. Everybody that brings up this topic does not mention this video clip. I saw it 2 or 3 times, so am I the only one that saw it, and what happened to it.
@heartnsoulr1 You should watch the video. These aren't your grampa's bunkers. These guys have all that covered.
I remember when in the fifties we had to stop making Snow cones because of Fallout. There were fallout shelter signs on brick buildings and everybody that could afford it had a fallout shelter in the backyard. Probably bought from the Atlas Bunker Manufacture that shut down in the '60s. Now I see that this company has revitalized the Atlas Company and people are buying Bunkers like crazy. I don't worry I will just lock myself in the bedroom and hide under my Blanky.
This snowstorm with a rainstorm in the middle and an ice storm in the middle of the rainstorm. Nothing odd about that, right.
A while back I posted about the lack of ground beef at the stores. What didn't mention, so as not to encourage anyone to move to Iowa, is that there are hundreds of these small lockers all over the state. All I have to do is drive 12 miles to my hometown, of 100 people, and can get any cut I want. The money stays local for Meats and doesn't go to the Chain Stores.
I have seen this anomaly several times in the last few years. You have a rainstorm right in the middle of a snowstorm. How does HAARP do that
Being labeled as a Conspiracy Theorist, sometimes just downright Delusional. But on this shortage thing, I let people tell me. Like the lady at Wal-Mart looking at empty Catfood shelves that were very thin of product. She needed someone to tell her distress to. I sleep in the living room because the bedroom is full of stuff. Six mo. of stuff.
Trump bashes Biden on mandates, the supreme court is full of covid idiots, the covid pitch meeting & Kazakhstan goes wild
My wife was made in China and they won't take her back. Make me an offer.
Here we go again with Medical community. I was set yesterday to have a Pre-op procedure for an operation on my Heart. Just before I was ready to leave they called me to go over the procedure. They told me I had to have a person, no Taxi, take me home and stay to watch over me for the night. I ask why can't I recover in the hospital. They said no rooms available and it was that way all over the State because of COVID. They had only two COVID patients the day before and most were the Flu cases..
While talking to a Nurse while I was getting a blood test, I asked her how her day was going and she said it was real hectic today. I asked her if they were full up with Covid Patients. She said the might have a couple but there is a lot of people with the flu. I immediately got a head ache.
I ask the store clerk why they stopped using their automatic shopping cart sanitizing machine. He couldn't say. I just figure they were losing money not selling over the counter Cold and Flu Meds.
Hookers should get together and start their own Crypto. They could call it "MYHO" Coin
Trump obviously has been Ross Perot-ed. He is done. Now what?
A cold day in hell. Never ever thought that, living in Iowa, I would go to the Store and find that there would be no fresh Ground Beef. It's starting to get real..
Hi this is Santa here ,.
Santa is having some logistic problems getting parts for the toys. Then the Reindeer Union is talking a walk out over the Biden CV Mandate. Go ahead and celebrate Christmas but the Toys should start moving soon in late January. Everybody here at the North pole are very sorry for any inconvenience. Things happen, we just can't control things like the Demonrates or the Haveitalls right now, but we will. Don't forget what Christmas is really for.
Red/green. Wasn't that about Slavery just like the other war. The Queen had her dirty little fingers in the middle of it and this too. To many connections have sided with the CCP., Now.
Would the real Covid-19 please stand up.
Interesting report.PDF