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About those dead cattle: the grandson of the ranch owner was on 24 hr watch as it was his turn. During the night, 3 helicopters arrived and sprayed the cattle. He ingested the poison as well, and is now in the hospital. They have pics of the helicopters. The cattle industry at the top are aware of the above. Let’s see if this info comes out and it is discovered who did it.
I guess if they unleash biowarfare on Florida and Texas for rejecting the vax passport, that can only mean one thing right? That Trump never signed the insurrection act and the white hats are not and were never in control correct? That Trump just walked away and left us all hanging. Somebody see something differently than I do?
Lot of nefarious reasons for the ammo shortage people.... look into it.
Regarding the recent revelations about the fake Biden administration utilizing green screen, CGI, etc... This is not new news. So what. It’s not like anything is going to be done about it. The entire system is corrupt. And, it appears the military is NOT on the side of righteousness - at least the upper brass/decision makers anyway. Sorry folks, it’s every man for himself now. Get used to it. It’s going to be a long hard road traveled....
Courts are corrupt. Country is done. There is no Q, no white hats, no black hats. No rescue coming. We’re on our. Just us and Jesus.

The United States Supreme Court refused to review the Pennsylvania 2020 Election cases. The court made the announcement on Monday morning. Justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas dissented from the denial.…
The Gateway PunditReceived a snarky text today from someone out of state making fun of our situation here in Texas. I’m also seeing people bask in joy that Rush died today. If these tactless displays of despicable behavior aren’t a window into the fight between good and evil in this world. I don’t know what is....
While Texas is reeling. Can’t help but think Trump is capitalizing on the Q crowd. What if March 4th comes and goes without a hitch? Just saying...
The reason why QAnon supporters place so much importance on March 4 is rooted in the beliefs of the 'sovereign citizen movement.'
www.msn.comWhat does this snake know that we don’t. The audacity of these evil doers. They speak as if the fraud will never be revealed.

Senator Mitch McConnell used the Senate floor to brutally trash Donald Trump after the former president was found not guilty at the impeachment trial. The speech was so unhinged that it could have just…
The Gateway PunditFirst Jerome Corsi decides to disengage from providing Intel and information. Now, I notice Jeffrey Prather has been absent for the past two weeks - after posting every Tuesday and Thursday. Very suspicious.
What continues to boggle my mind is this. We know that if Hillary won in 2016, there would have been a massive revolt by the conservative right in 2020 to all the lockdowns, mandates and draconian measures. How come that revolt didn’t happen under Trump’s watch?
@HealthRanger Trump had the power to mitigate this but was too soft and the Deep State swarmed. He should have gone scorched earth from Day 1 and gotten as many Patriots as possible in positions of power. He played it safe and cared too much how the media would portray every action instead of doing what was necessary. Even hired Swamp creatures over Patriots. The result was a stolen election, no justice for any swamp creatures and the end of democracy. If this is how it ends he failed miserably.
Well. In a military operation. The last thing you’d want to do. Is telegraph what you’re doing. Or what you’re about to do. Until it’s all said and done, we have no way of knowing. Gives a whole new meaning to perseverance doesn’t it?
Flynn says Trump never signed the insurrection act and that the military is NOT in charge. To use his exact words. “more nonsense.” Well folks, there ya have it....
I have a family member who is a devout Christian and Trump supporter. This person truly believes that if voter fraud took place to the degree it’s alleged, than why did not one judge or court see a single case. Not one judge that Trump appointed would see the case. They find that hard to believe. They also think we are crazy waiting for the so called insurrection act / military take over to happen. My point: if military is in control, then show this person the truth.
So if Trump signed the Insurrection Act in secret and handed the country over to the military, can someone explain to me what we’re seeing? And what if he didn’t do these things? And just walked away... Folks, it’s either one or the other. There is no door number three. At what point in time do we call it what it is? A month from now? Two months from now? A year maybe? Any normal sane person is thinking the above.
What happened? Thought Chris Miller and Ezra Cohen Watnick had everything under control. They were supposed to be the white hats remember?

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Biden’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered military-wide stand-downs pausing regular activity to “address white nationalism” in the ranks and rid the military of “extremists…
The Gateway PunditThis doesn’t look good. What happen to we control the Pentagon and Military?

Lloyd Austin Joe Biden’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stripped several hundred appointees of their posts on Pentagon advisory boards over the weekend. The secretary’s goal was to purge the department…
The Gateway PunditI say we all just sit on the sidelines and wait for all this to blow over. Who’s with me? I didn’t think so. So, now that we cleared that up. Can someone tell me where the line is in the sand? This is getting ridiculous.
Remember the four steps to transform the thinking and behavior of the population that Bezmenov warned of back in 1985? Well, it’s here. In more ways than one.

DC Public Schools have announced that they will be using a race-based curriculum sent out by Black Lives Matter to teach students during Black History Month. An email sent to parents refers to children…
The Gateway PunditI don’t see a line in the sand. Do any of you?

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero