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Just a thought.
We have all heard of the term Chilling Effect. Could this be an attempt to create a Chilling Effect on compassion?
We all know that there is an attempt against every other good virtue.
Watching Owen Shroyer's street side statement, his lawyer made the comment that "will you be arrested and tried just for listening to "conspiracy theories"? In New Zealand, immediately after the Mosque shooting in Christchurch, the police went after anyone who shared or watched the live streamed video. How much of a stretch is it to believe that at any moment, "they" can arrest and charge anyone, anywhere for anything. Part of the cull, part of the chilling effect and part of separating those who stand and those who kneel.
On the Shawn Ryan Show, Shawn interviews Andrew Bustamante who is a former US Air Force Nuclear tech then was recruited into the CIA. This is a gold mine of information and is very thought provoking.
2 parts, currently just on youtube.
Part 1
Part 2 coming. Currently ad free via Shawn's patreon
I just this text from formerly Vodafone New Zealand.
Kia ora, and welcome to day one for One NZ. Today we're announcing that NZ will have 100% mobile coverage in 2024, in a collaboration with SpaceX. This will end black spots and keep you, your family and your business safer. I wanted you to be one of the first to know. Jason Paris, CEO of One NZ.
So, good news, NZ will be blanketed with 5G by the end of this year. So now there is nowhere the drones can't hunt you. I guess it will soon be time to live in the rugged mountains where the weather makes it impossible for anything to fly.
Just like it is the unvaccinated that are responsible for most car crash fatalities. Everyone that dies during this cold spell, regardless of what actually killed them, died due to global warming denialists.
Here is a good primer on 5th Generation Warfare.
It is very relevant to our current situation.
Shawn Ryan has relaesed this eye opening interview. Lily grew up under Chairman Mao, she talks about how the Cultural Revolution was implemented. It is the exact same play book used in the West, yet people still worship Communism as the answer.
It is a YouTube link, although Shawn also has a patreon channel where he talks about Havana Syndrom.
Akin to Mike's talk today about people choosing social status over prepardedness.
Apparently, when the TV show Survivor started, there were some very skilled (primitive) practioners that entered the game. They all got voted off asap by the schemers and socialites. Those people chose to remove the very capable practioners who gave them fire, food, shelter...
Seems that the idea isn't to actually survive, but to appease others in a pathetic social game. A race to death.
I do wonder, will reality be any different?
That, my friend, will be your choice. Do you want to survive/thrive or do you want to go with the "in crowd?" Seems like a pretty easy choice.
@Shaun Looks are deceiving. Half of the sheeple in this world will choose being part of the in crowd. Nobody takes death seriously in that group, that’s why they’re still sleeping-walking. They’ve watched too much TV.
Imagine our society if this had continued through to today. P.E classes in schools that rewarded achievement. That created a honour system and built strong character.
Guess we will just implement it into our parallel society.

In most modern high schools, P.E. is a complete blow-off class — something to take when you don’t play a sport, and have to fulfill a health/fitness-related elective. Participants often sit on the bleachers…
The Art of ManlinessThat truth, is that Predators can and will do whatever they want to those they consider weaker than them.
Maybe that is an over simplification… then again, is it?
@Shaun Only if they think they can get away with it.
Exactly. That is where a real community holds each other to account. With fractured "society", there is no accountability.
Tim Larkin (of Target Focus Training) teaches “There is nothing to learn from the victim” There is a lot of additional information to clarify that quote, but you can shift your perspective from the victim mentality to the victor mentality (who survives the violent act). That shift is to not be mortified, scared, angry then wrathful over the actions of others (well it is), but to see the simple truth.
These are acts of violence, which while shocking and disturbing, they pale in comparison to what both Governments and multi-national corporations are doing to just our species, via “vaccines”, GMO, biosludge, perversions. The only difference here, is that these assaults on the mind, spirit and body are socially acceptable.
Governments are like a giant cargo ship. They are slow and lumbering but they have great inertia. Smaller criminal gangs are like speed boats, able to strike at any time.
Posted yesterday by Tyler (Raitakun) is a graphic video of the reportedly AZOV Battalion crucifying and torching a live prisoner. ISIS videos demonstrating on prisoners abound too. This is Violence. There is only 1 difference between these acts and a criminal stabbing attack, a beating attack and even rapes in every city in the world. That difference is that these attacks are part of a war stance. They are being fuelled in a “legitimate” tribal conflict.
“The government is allowing the Marsden Point Oil Refinery pipes to be filled with concrete shows an astonishing level of economic ignorance,” says Rt Hon Winston Peters Leader of New Zealand First.
“At a time when we have massive shortages of supply, a looming economic crisis, and prices of oil and other essential materials going through the roof, Labour is allowing this kind of short-sighted jingoistic behaviour to occur by a foreign company on kiwi soil.”

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The BuzzThe COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 passed its 2nd reading Wednesday night in NZ.
This legislation will allow for:
1. The lockdown of unvaccinated or insufficiently vaccinated individuals.
2. The ability to restrict travel within the country to unvaccinated or insufficiently vaccinated...
10. The appointment of enforcement officers that can be anybody they wish to appoint, and not necessarily police.

The C0VID-19 Public Health Response (Vaxxinations) Order 2021 By Staff Reporter URGENT INFO PLEASE SHARE – FFNEWS 9AM Broadcast tomorrow Addressing this important information. A Re-share of a quick summary…
Australian National Review@Shaun that’s so sickens gn but it’s happening here in washington
Australian chemical manufacturers capable of producing AdBlue – a urea-based additive used in diesel vehicles to reduce the expulsion of dangerous emissions – are scrambling to boost production, as an international shortage threatens to slam the brakes on local trucking and logistical industries.
Thousands of Australian food and commodity-transporting trucks could be forced into storage within months, if local manufacturers fail to meet increased demand for AdBlue.
Thousands of Australian food and commodity-transporting trucks could be forced into storage within months, if local manufacturers fail to meet increased some transgender people who only have a birth certificate as their form of ID, downloading a vaccine pass will mean being forced to use their 'dead' name, or the name they were given at birth before transitioning.
"Concerns have been raised about the vaccine pass effectively dead-naming people because people are having to use the names that they would have had in their official documentation and not the names that affirm their gender identity,"

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Border checkpoints to be manned by army, Iwi, Maori Wardens and ‘community patrollers’. The government’s covid-19 legislation was increased (covid-19 Public Health Response Amendment Act (No 2) 2021) on Friday 19 November to enable members of the public and armed forces to man border checkpoints – replacing the police.
Maori Wardens, members of Iwi organisations, Pasifika Wardens and so-called ‘community patrollers’ now have the power to stop vehicles.

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