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Mike, persisten buffering here in Lorca, Murcia Region, SPAIN.
Full article just posted: Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs and a THREAT to society
... here's how Fauci, the NIH and the CCP transformed BILLIONS of people into walking bioweapons factories...

People who are ignorant enough to be injected with an experimental vaccine that accelerates the generation of highly contagious super strains in their own bodies are walking biological time bombs and a… Just a reminder about the covid vaccines, particularly the mRNA bio-weapon "vaccines." Using the same logic that allowed Monsanto to claim GMO crops as their physical property, big pharma will be able to claim every single mRNA vaccine recipient as their personal property because their vaccine rewrites the recipient's DNA according to their specifications. THINK ABOUT IT.
Dr. Judy mikovitz texted me and confirmed she was badly injured by police who assaulted her over a mask issue on a flight. She has legal representation and is going to fight this in the courts. Pls send prayers for mikovitz.
The Biden BLOWOUT is upon us... the final looting of America by the corrupt, criminal swamp class of D.C. thieves. They will collapse the dollar and destroy this nation, all while claiming they're "protecting" you. Time is growing short to convert dollars into real things such as land, gold, silver, food, ammo, housing and so on.
Full details in today's new podcast:
@HealthRanger Have you done a segment yet about the parties that did not uphold their oath, and allowed this shit?
Far as I'm concerned they are far worse than the corrupt shit bags like Biden, and crew.
NEW PODCAST: I'm not going to dwell in how bad everything sucks. Instead, we are going to work from the ground up to teach people about where freedom comes from and why you're born with it. We must re-establish "freedom zones" locally, and nullify tyrannical federal overreach. Listen to today's podcast to learn about this philosophical framework for freedom:
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
John Adams
NEW PODCAST: I'm not going to dwell in how bad everything sucks. Instead, we are going to work from the ground up to teach people about where freedom comes from and why you're born with it. We must re-establish "freedom zones" locally, and nullify tyrannical federal overreach. Listen to today's podcast to learn about this philosophical framework for freedom:
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
John Adams
No one is allowed to criticize the hollywood elite.

“Please read carefully. They are coming for you.”
Twitter@HealthRanger I will criticize anyone who needs to be from the top to the bottom. I still live by the constitution of the US of America. Fake and illegitimate government means bullshit!
Trump supporters are now POLITICAL PRISONERS.
"American supporters of Donald Trump are being rounded up, imprisoned, transported to the nation’s capital, and likely bankrupted over relatively minor crimes to stoke the narrative that an “insurrection” occurred last month."

In September 2019, Couy Griffin, founder of Cowboys for Trump, met with President Trump in the Oval Office. His group, according to its website, believes “securing our border… this ends when We Exercise Our 2nd Amendment & Not a moment before #Period
When transgenders tell us to "believe the science," it's a sick joke. And this is the assistant secretary of HHS now under Biden, I believe:
@HealthRanger This freak should be in a mental hospital. Not in a high level Government position.
When transgenders tell us to "believe the science," it's a sick joke. And this is the assistant secretary of HHS now under Biden, I believe:
@HealthRanger This freak should be in a mental hospital. Not in a high level Government position.
Freedom of information can't be shoved back into the globalist black box of thought control. They've already lost the long-term war because they can no longer control the memories and thoughts of the awakened!
Situation Update, Jan 22, 2021 - It's already too late for the controllers
Joe Biden is an ACTOR, in effect. He is a puppet. Put in place as THEATER. The theater is run by CNN and the fake news media that everyone knows is fake. The election was theater. All staged. No legitimacy. More will come out in the days and weeks ahead, I believe, to help expose it. The American people are living under a spell of illusion.
[2] We should look to pull each other up and make each other stronger, not cast others aside for being weak or not meeting one's perceived level grit.
Today, I experienced a sense of sadness and disbelief at what was unfolding before my eyes. I spoke with a friend of mine and he provided just the right amount of subtle encouragement I needed. Love is patient, love is kind. We fight on!
Although I am reluctant to criticize Trump, I think it is nothing less than SHAMEFUL that he pardoned Steve Bannon and Lil' Wayne but not Julian Assange.
America is now a banana republic run by thieves and pedophiles, deceivers and crooks. They are mad with power and seek vengeance against half of America. They are treacherous and filled with vile hatred toward fellow Americans. The Left has been radicalized with hatred by the left-wing media for the last four years, and now they want blood.
The joint call with McInerney, Lin Wood, Mike Lindell, Mary Fanning and myself finished up about 30 minutes ago. There were no huge bombshells so if you couldn't get in, you didn't miss any game-changing information. However, each speaker expressed faith in God and faith that the truth would come out sooner or later. No one is sure what's going to happen tomorrow, but the overall outlook is that Biden will be sworn in and then we will truly know America has been seized by communists.
Keep the faith. Options still remain. Now up to military leaders to decide if they will assume control. They have been granted full authority to do so.
@HealthRanger Just in case..
Can anyone recommend towns in Texas to look for a place to live?
Have you considered that the reason Trump didn't really need to meet with Mike Lindell is because Trump's team ALREADY has everything they need?