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Earlier this morning, Natural News published an article calling for Nuremberg-style trials for researchers who use human children for medical experiments.
The article called for court hearings, prosecutions and punishments against those carrying out these crimes against humanity.
Sadly, the article as misconstrued as calling for violence, when its primary goal was to HALT violence against the innocent.
Full apology:

Earlier this morning, Natural News published an article calling for Nuremberg-style trials for researchers who use human children for medical experiments. The article called for court hearings, prosecutions…
www.naturalnews.comWe are livestreaming the full event right now at
Artificial meat company claims you can buy salami made from human flesh of famous Hollywood actors... CANNIBALISM packaged as "eco-friendly"...
... this is just ONE of the stories covered in today's hilarious, insane Situation Update article and podcast, now posted:

The world has gone mad. In Wenatchee, Washington, a high school has placed band students inside suffocating cocoons where they can't see each other or socialize, but they still have to play their band…
www.naturalnews.comThe Biden BLOWOUT is upon us... the final looting of America by the corrupt, criminal swamp class of D.C. thieves. They will collapse the dollar and destroy this nation, all while claiming they're "protecting" you. Time is growing short to convert dollars into real things such as land, gold, silver, food, ammo, housing and so on.
Full details in today's new podcast:
AOC is a liar. She just flat-out fabricates "victimhood" stories about herself, just like all modern-day libtards who live in their own dark delusions of persecution. She wasn't even in the Capitol building on Jan 6th!
When transgenders tell us to "believe the science," it's a sick joke. And this is the assistant secretary of HHS now under Biden, I believe:
Folks, STOP going back to the GOP like an abused wife looking for more punishment!
The GOP is your enemy. They only pretend to support you. It's all fake.

Conservatives learned a hard lesson following the 2020 presidential election. It's a lesson we've had to relearn over and over
NOQ Report - Conservative Christian News, Opinions, and QuotesPLEASE TEST: Our backup environment for Brighteon is currently called, and it's a completely parallel code base. Please TEST THIS video to see if it plays for you, and help us hammer it a little bit to see if we can break it easily. Soon the entire Brighteon site will be migrated:
Announcement: The entire Health Ranger Store brand is BANNING from carrying our products. We are stripping all HR Store products out of Amazon and prohibiting them from selling them.
Amazon is pure evil. Bezos is an enemy of America and a traitor to humanity. Fuck Amazon.
Folks, this week is the do-or-die week for Trump. He either takes decisive action in the next five days, or it's over. All his advisors are telling him to quit. But not the patriots like Flynn and Powell. We all need to keep urging Trump to activate all the plans and mechanisms that are now in place!