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The Latest Tragedy: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome | GreenMedInfo | Blog

Media outlets worldwide are reporting on a medical phenomenon called "sudden adult death syndrome," or SADS, in what appears to be a clear effort to obscure the reality of COVID jab deaths
greenmedinfo.comNewly Released Pfizer Documents Reveal COVID Jab Dangers

A small batch of documents released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in mid-November 2021 revealed that in the first three months of the COVID jab rollout, Pfizer received 42,086 adverse event…
greenmedinfo.comUS embassy just REMOVED all their Ukraine BIOWEAPON LAB DOCUMENTS from the website... Here they are... - Strange Sounds

UPDATE: Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland confirms Ukraine BIOWEAPON LABS… There is something fishy going on… Yesterday, the US Embassy removed around 2p.m. all their Ukraine Bioweapon lab documents…
Strange SoundsGeorge Soros Found to Be behind the Effort to Silence Joe Rogan - News Punch

Globalist billionaire George Soros is secretly funding shadowy left-wing groups behind the latest effort to silence Joe Rogan, according to a new investigation.
News PunchCities across Canada join the movement - YouTube
@Benniesbark Yes, this is excellent, support everywhere, not just here in Ottawa!
Loved the “Let’s Go Brandeau!” sign.
FREEDOM CONVOY CANADA "Trudeau in hiding!" | Irnieracing News - YouTube
@johndolph I wish people would ask the obvious question " why is the inventor of the mrna vaccine being censored, being banned"?? But they don't...where has the critical thinking gone?? I'm at a loss, totally dumbfounded at where this country is
Stigmatizing the Unvaxxed and Unboosted

Governments are constantly stigmatizing the unvaxxed to make them comply. What can you do to resist?
articles.mercola.comKnow Your Human Rights on Twitter: "Auschwitz survivor Marian Turski, 94: "And that's how it is done, step by step, slowly."" / Twitter

“Auschwitz survivor Marian Turski, 94: "And that's how it is done, step by step, slowly."”
t.coRussia war fears: Vladimir Putin issues radioactive nuclear alert in World War 3 threat | World | News |

VLADIMIR PUTIN has warned Russia will "react toughly to unfriendly steps" as tensions continue to surge over any possible NATO involvement in Ukraine. Turner Radio Show - CDC Rule CONFIRMS: SARS-CoV-2 is "Chimeric Virus" -- made by joining two viruses together to form new organism. It IS Man-Made!

The centers for disease Control (CDC) have issued an interim final rule about SARS-CoV-2 which causes COVID-19, which declares the following: what if that
Luciferase gets in the Vacinated DNA?
Scary = fish that glow
In 2019 a Indian team confirmed that it was an engineered virus. Old news but still very relevant.
None of the perpetrators will go to jail, as always.
During the WHOLE Clinton E-mail scandal, only Antony Weiner went to jail but because he was a pedophile, that was discovered by accident.
NOBODY went to jail for the Clinton e-mail scandal, she walks free today.
@Benniesbark and nobody went to jail for voter fraud, they will just commit voter fraud again.
Attorney Siri: The CDC is Hiding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data

Three prior posts explained how the FDA seeks to delay for 75+ years full production of Pfizer’s pre-licensure safety data. While we have that fight, we submitted a request to the CDC, on behalf of ICAN,…
Health Impact NewsMore Evidence the COVID Fake-Vaccine is Embedding MAC Addresses

Vaccine Mac Address: Evidence continues to surface that the COVID fake-vaccine is embedding nanotech with MAC addresses inside of people.
The Freedom Articles@Benniesbark UNBELIEVABLE
Stop getting vaxxerd !
Another Study Finds That Natural Immunity Protects Better Against Infection Than the Pfizer Vaccine – The Daily Sceptic

A second large Israeli study has found that natural immunity provides better protection against infection than the Pfizer vaccine. Adjusting for several factors, infections were six times higher among…
The Daily Sceptic@BlessedMess definition prior to Sept 2021.
The definition of "anti-vaxxer" was previously defined, according to an archived definition from 2018 examined by Fox News, as: "A person who opposes vaccination or laws that mandate vaccination."
PCR useless! Wake up people! Oldest trick in book, keep people in fear and control! Divide into 2 tiered system and control! We need to be smarter, vaccinated or unvaccinated, unite to fight! It is essential for all of our survival

New medical analysis reduces Italy’s covid-19 death tally by 97.1%