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Just a Country boy,
Own a shotgun, four wheel drive,
I am the proverbial Redneck without racism.
Happiest when left alone.
Just a Country boy,
Own a shotgun, four wheel drive,
I am the proverbial Redneck without racism.
Happiest when left alone.
talk about indoctrination, media won't even say it was gun shots...
What a twisted world people that follow the clowns live in..
Looks like the official narrative
Many people are, should be pissed, and I hope this attempt gives Trump the determination to really clean government... Burn it to the ground and reboot the Republic.
Its going to be much crying and gnashing of teeth and should be many that suffer the ultimate justice at the Rule of Law, not a lawless action, but in full view of everyone to see what JUSTICE looks like, we have sanitized punishments, lock them away, kill them in secret in closed rooms, where no one can see the cause and effect and justice served out.
Righteous Justice and Punishment should be held in the open air for all to see, the young, the old, the male, the female. Justice for ALL.
Nothing to see here, how much cash would they stand to lose if we didn't have pointless police actions around the world, or say Ukraine.....
@Caish Remember Uvalde, TX? They told the police to stand down at the school shooting. Expect a Warren Commission and anti gun legislation.
@Caish so why didn't anyway call him 'Michael' during the first campaign...why didn't anyone call him that in the second one??? Why did anyone vote for Obama to begin with???
I'm so tired of seeing the word Democracy used for the USA.
Stop it thats Democrat code for Communism, all democracies devolve into dictatorships, REALLY.
WE ARE A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, not a democracy, and never intended to be a democracy, the word democracy is not used in founding documents.
Have the editors of Gateway Pundit, been idiotized too, language is important, and if you don't correct the verbage and use it correctly how can you expect the mass of people to wake up.
Democracy, and Republic do not mean the same thing.....
@Caish When was the last time "Civics" was included in the Core Curriculm? I don't think the average teenager or young adult would be able to tell you what our government is, and how it's run. I think "Civics" was eliminated as was "Geography" a long time ago. Math is being eliminated because our black friends can't do it. This is what the "dumbing down" of a society looks like. They took out "Civics" and left "8th grade square dancing in". Go figure.
THey're all for it as long as they can sensor the words they don't like...
Left today is totaltarian oligarch dictators. want you dumb, and broke, see We The People as serfs... piss on them.
@Caish Hey Catfish! Been a long time! This quote is so very true!!!