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info wars put out 2020 CDC Death Numbers
Help:I cannot for the life of me figure out how to extract the table
https ://
Deaths in US by Year
https ://
https ://
https ://
@CyberHans Great Find! I have terrible internet reception right now, but below is just 1 screen shot from the last pdf file you have listed above. Very interesting!
This was on the German news website:
Nach Sturm auf US-Kapitol
Polizei verstärkt Schutz des Bundestags
Bundestagspräsident Schäuble hat veranlasst, dass der Reichstag besser bewacht wird. | 10.01.2021
This says:
After the rushing of the U.S Capital
Police increase protection of German Capital
German President Scaeuble has order that the German Capital should better guarded.
I say What?????? does our inauguration have to do with them. Crazy times!