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Situation Update, Aug 11, 2022 - Emboldened IRS demands new hires be willing to KILL AMERICANS
- The #IRS posts help wanted ad that demands new hires be willing to KILL Americans
- IRS 2021 annual report posts photos of IRS rifle teams, shotgun training and home invasions to terrorize Americans
- IRS agents IMPERSONATE POLICE by wearing "POLICE" shirts when they are unconstitutional, rogue terrorists
- New Inflation Reduction Act will add 87,000 new IRS agents to terrorize America
- IRS audits will specifically target conservatives, Christians, gun owners, small businesses and Trump supporters
@HealthRanger dems are not afraid to terrorize and loot the people since they were not elected. The upcoming selections are already rigged which is why they do not fear the midterms at all. Think about it. If you are courting someone with hopes of marriage, you would always have your best foot forward and seek to please them so they stay with you and eventually vote 'yes' to your proposal. If you are in an arranged marriage, there is no need to waste time with the courtship phase, since the fix is in.
@HealthRanger, Mike, I thought of somethings I noticed as you were talking about how China still claims Taiwan as theirs. I was looking at the USGS Recent Earthquakes Map and noticed that the USGS has been updating their maps - putting more detail on their maps that I wondered how the detail has to do with earthquakes. Here are 4 photos below. The first 3 show comments in red made by USGS. The 4th picture shows Greenland and above to the left is "United States Range." What is the United States Range and how long has it been in existence?
@HealthRanger, the "Basemaps and Overlays" settings that I used on the USGS page to see these comments was the "Terrain" map.
@HealthRanger Can U expand on this? What volunteers are going to Ukraine?
@HealthRanger Noted. The young soldier's vocabulary is limited.
Let's pray foreign volunteers STOP trying to help. From what he said, Ukraine's military considers them 'cannon fodder' not welcomed friends.
@HealthRanger "let them go" they are NO friends of our apparently ,
Situation Update, Feb 21, 2022 - Nameless, faceless POLICE GOONS in Ottawa may be UN troops
@HeaIlthRanger I have to wonder, if these are not the illegal immigrates that they have been shuffling around different military bases.
@HealthRanger - NOTHING would surprise me any more...
@HealthRanger - Not pharma-goons, just tools and muscle of the globalists.
Magnetic nanoparticles injected via vaccines: It's a REAL technology, published in 2014! And yes, they can then manipulate the magnetic nanoparticles using external magnetic fields to drive them into different regions of your brain!
Situation Update, May 25th - Part 4 - Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery via vaccines, with "magnetofection" of DNA
@HealthRanger Mike, you probably know you can purchase clothing made from the fabric you were discussing. Use to be available on Amazon.
@HealthRanger Interesting podcast content. Thx. If the iron is being sucked out of blood I guess many will be anemic, causing lethargy. Also I have a photo of the cells, see below. Lastly, hylauronic is not hydrogel, it is actually an acid a lot of people/women use on face to reduce appearance of wrinkles, it locks in moisture and plumps up your skin, lips too. Lol. As an acid, looks and feels like water, is 100% natural substance in pure acid form.
(Warning to reader: this introduction is choppy. I am just trying to accommodate the public by getting blocks of my narrative up quickly. When I finally weave them all into one story I will improve the…
Deep CapturePosted 1 day ago per title description. Military practice for civil unrest.
I have looked at some info in, but unfortunately their are some things in there that are Photoshoped which degrades the validity of it. I do not know who is in charge of it. Is there a real data dump website out there?
Below article seems to indicate that Joey has some power.

[1]OWL[1] [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming [DECLAS] [POTUS]
t.meabove did not come out the way I wanted. The oann is the article and "the true great awakening" is the data dump.
I don't know, some of what I've seen is pure disinfo or somebody's wish list. There is also a lot of hopium out there.I think a lot of what's out there is just to buy time as they put their chess pieces in place.
Also, for the record, I don't know whether the "corporation vs. republic" theory of current events is anything that's going to pan out. It's a fascinating legal theory, and it has been cited by one of my key sources, but to me it still sounds very difficult to see how "paperwork" is going to be the decisive factor here. So much of government stems from FALSE authority anyway. 90% of what government does is bluffing. And if people accept the bluff, then the bluff has power.
Ihr habt alles verpasst, Ihr schlafmuetzen!
Was looking for something else and came across this. It is so ridiculous, I could not help laughing. Proof that Pence has been a traitor all along!
@CyberHans That Lincoln Project. Trying their hardest to rewrite history incorrectly.
Do nothing sounds pretty accurate to me.
DOESN'T ADD UP: Why would the DoD bring in 15,000 troops to the DC area to protect a VIRTUAL Joe Biden inauguration that will obviously be filmed in advance in a green screen studio somewhere? Makes zero sense... something else is afoot.
If BEFORE IT'S NEWS can be trusted the swamp just got drained!
Sure Sounds Like Cuck
How can I delete one of my post?
Holy crap Amazon is dumping Parler tomorrow. Parler will go offline for WEEKS, and maybe forever. Masses of left-wing trolls went onto Parler, posting messages of violence, then they complained to Amazon, just to make this happen. This is a radical left-wing TERROR MOB, running around trying to deplatform everyone.
There's a rumor floating around that Fauci has been secretly indicted by Trump. Might be fake news, not confirmed yet, but keep an eye out for more info on this possibility. In my view, Trump won't move on any of this until after the Jan. 6th Congressional meeting anyway, and once he starts to move on the mass arrests, he will move very quickly on all of them, simultaneously.
#election #Pence #fraud
Lin Wood
Wow! Mike Pence @VP
announces on New Year’s Eve that he no longer plans to pursue career in politics!
Guess all those who said he is an egomaniac wolf in sheep’s clothing focused on a run in 2024 were wrong.
Good call, Mike. You are not fit to be President anyway.
Not sure what to think about this. I heard Pence cancel his flight to Israel. I think this makes Pence a wild card. Not at sure about what he will do, but I am leaning toward he has no intention of doing the right thing, maybe he resigns before he does anything, because it is too much pressure for him.
Who here thinks Pence will save the republic on Jan. 6th? I mean, it sounds like a nice fantasy, but it's PENCE, folks... he talks a good game, but can it back it up?
Red Alert! I just read on newsmax that they are in the process of overriding Trumps Veto on defense bill, doesn't that mean Trump must invoke Resurrection Act before or that option is gone?
@CyberHans He needs to resurrect the constitution. lol
No it has to go to Senate and they will not pass it more than likely. Still more passing back and forth. could go on and on for months.
@Kat613 Yes I read that but at this point I would not trust the Senate, to many Dirty RINOS.
Ever wonder why VP Pence is planning on signing the Jan 6 electoral votes and then FLEE the country immediately? He's being taken out of harm's way by GOP RINOs who know what's coming. Pence will NOT take a stand for America. He wants to see Trump destroyed, just like the RINOs.
There is a section buried deep within the stimulus spending bill that NULLIFIES the President's ability to invoke the Insurrection Act. That's the real point of this, to take that away from Trump.
@HealthRanger No he did not sign, saw Trump on NewsMax and he said he was considering veto. NewsMax is taking a poll of if it should be vetoed. Which paragraph is the NULLIFICATION in?
1; Worlds second largest manufacturer of hydroxychloroquine, in Thailand, has burnt to the ground! Production totally stopped...
2; Russian and Chinese bombers and fighters are conducting JOINT flyovers in Pacific... And have violated South Korean Air defense zone...
3; COVID relief bill contains legislation making 10 year jail sentence possible for "illegal online streaming"
Robert Barnes Interview says Jeffrey Rosen is just as bad as Bill Barr
Gets more interesting 9 min into interview. 14 min into interview. Dirt on Barr from the beginning of Barr's career. Started out covering up CIA crimes. His father was friends with Epstein.
I fear Trump is being set up to believe that he has a chance without the Resurrection Act.
See Sidney Powell Epoch Times Interview, which was my understanding was it is the latest interview. She even says it is going to be up the patriots. I am agreeing more & more with Stewart Rhodes.
I would like Mike Adams take on this because I am not familiar with Robert Barnes.
@CyberHans Jeffrey Rosen is just another Jewish lawyer. Probably someone that Kushner recommended, and not to be trusted
Monkey Werx 2: Word from the active SF guys in the field is that we need to all prepare for a 10 day lockdown soon. I am told it could be shorter, could be longer - just depends on how bad the opposition is. I have been told this will be global. I don’t have dates; but is was said with a sense of urgency. As a Christian, I pay attention when I start to get things independently from multiple sources. That same messaging came through three different people that I personally know and trust.
@HealthRanger our PM here in Quebec Canada said that a total lockdown (all store closed all business..) could come for the week of Christmas.. wow get ready patriots
The reference to ‚global‘ in this context gets me. Would this be as a result of the long awaited Trump military action in the US and abroad? Born in southern Africa, I now live in Germany, where just yesterday a strict lockdown was mandated - from Dec 16 to Jan 10. I can only hope my assumption is right as we‘re in grave DS trouble here - what with WEF, Klaus Schwab, EU etc.