Salty Christian and America-first patriot
Come and Take It
YHVH Shalom
True Israel / Hebrew Roots
The Symbols of Dan
Dan is like a “serpent along the way” told Israel to his son, Dan, in Genesis. He leaves a trail wherever he would go, and indeed Danites did that for many centuries exploring and settling. The snake is one of the Danite symbols, as discussed in earlier excerpts. This symbol has been widely confused with the Satanic symbol of the snake that we see today with the World Health Organization’(WHO) and the American Medical Association (AMA), one snake wrapping around a scepter. sometimes the symbols are expressed as two snakes intertwined about a scepter. To make the evil meaning more obvious, the WHO symbol of a snake wrapped about a scepter overlays the image of the world! The Danite symbol must not be confused with the works of Satan, nor must its meaning be intentionally misinterpreted. Other more popular Danite symbols used in coats of arms are the eagle and the horse.
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