Lover of liberty. Opponent of Corporate Citizenship, Big Tech's monopolization of free speech, and of narratives that seek to enslave humans. Believe world peace is attainable.
The writer of Anne Franks Diaries was Meyer Levine. (Proof)
Forensic evidence proved that the writing in Anne Frank's Diaries was done in ball point pen, which was not available to everyone or all countries before 1951 or in Germany. In addition, it turns out that none of the handwriting, the ones that were published as Anne Frank's Diary, did not match known Anne Frank's handwriting samples. She fled with other Germans from Auschwitz, and died from Typhoid in 1945. The diary was written by Meyer Levine, who sued her father for being the original author and won $50,000. Yet, another example of the lies perpetuated of the war and horrors by the German. I guess more will come to light in the foreseeable future.
Most of our carefully scripted history does not line up with actual facts and archeological evidence. Unfortunately, the smoking gun archeology evidence is hidden from us by corrupt institutions controlled by funding threats, like the Smithsonian institute hiding all those giants, among many other things.
@Lancelot All you have to do is what Ancient Aliens and you'll realize the extent of bull we've been handed as history.