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SOS Someone set up a proton mail account and has my credit card information and is billing my account by purchasing x box games through the Microsoft store. Microsoft says I cant cancel because verification only can come through the email on accountAnd Capital One says they cannot block Microsoft because Microsoft has an agreement with VISA/ Mastercard that if you cancel a card and get a new one, Microsoft has access to the new card. Does anyone know of a way to report this email to proton mail?
Why are autoimmune diseases so common today? When I was in nursing school 50 years ago at a prestigious hospital, autoimmune disease was considered rare. Today, it seems that every other ad on TV is about a new biological agent to combat the effects of autoimmune disease. Is it GMO foods? Is it estrogen in our water supply? Is it the indiscriminate use of steroids? I would appreciate your thoughts on this.
Brief but concise explanation of spike protein danger
Has anyone heard of Romana Didulo?
I watched your experiment with xylitol and when I watched this video I felt you needed to watch it. I surely hope you do!
@ROSEHOON Our votes will never count until all of these electronic rigged systems are removed, and we go back to paper ballots in person. We can have people set up teams to get the disabled to vote on paper with a certified team of people in each county that will help get everyone who wants to vote be able to vote. This rigged crap is why most of congress are millionaires who always get re"selected" for 30-40 years.
Talks about resonance
@Toni Yeah, day by day we are hearing of friends and family taking the shots. I am wondering if we will be going to a lot of funerals soon. They have bought all the propaganda and done no thinking for themselves, other than believing that they are doing OTHERS a favor by taking the hit themselves. There is no virtue in stupidity, in my opinion.
Fr. Ripperger explains the five generals of Satan and how it impacts our world today.
Martin Geddes Hits Another One Out the Park!
"Digital warriors LOOK AT THE DATA;
fools do not"
This man analyzes complex systems for a living. He analyzed the Q data and referenced it to current and past events. Yes, the elite control the news and have used that control to keep the majority of us in the dark to accomplish their nefarious plans. Any notion that this is not the case is false and completely wrong.

martingeddes.activehosted.comFriday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Jesus is continually calling you, His mercies are new every morning! Humble yourself and pray and turn from your sins, and Jesus will give you life everlasting! There is still Hope for you today!
Another Expert Review of the Pennsylvania 2020 Election Results Provides More Evidence for Suspected Election Fraud. These Ballots Must Be Forensically Reviewed.

On November 13th, less than ten days after Election Night 2020, we uncovered a pattern in the Pennsylvania results that was so surprising, it was impossible. This pattern led to Joe Biden being awarded…
The Gateway Pundit