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SOS Someone set up a proton mail account and has my credit card information and is billing my account by purchasing x box games through the Microsoft store. Microsoft says I cant cancel because verification only can come through the email on accountAnd Capital One says they cannot block Microsoft because Microsoft has an agreement with VISA/ Mastercard that if you cancel a card and get a new one, Microsoft has access to the new card. Does anyone know of a way to report this email to proton mail?
ALSO I had someone charge $5000 on my capitol one. I started a process of identity theft WITH CAPITOL ONE and Capitol ONE REVERSED THE CHARGES ON IT. I don't know who you talked to at Capitol One but LOCK THAT CARD...and call back and move up the chain. Also had a POSTAL Worker steal my bank card from the mail and use. I got reversed charges and filed complaint with USPS. Someone is jerking you around at Capitol one. FRAUD reported is a VALID THING you can contest.
Thanks. Microsoft has an agreement with MasterCard and visa that they can automatically get any new numbers. This is really that policy that is creating the problem. Capital one cannot block the card and even if I apply for a new card, Microsoft can get that number. All aboard the crazy train. I have I’d theft protection and the police involved. @Stilladreamer52
Why are autoimmune diseases so common today? When I was in nursing school 50 years ago at a prestigious hospital, autoimmune disease was considered rare. Today, it seems that every other ad on TV is about a new biological agent to combat the effects of autoimmune disease. Is it GMO foods? Is it estrogen in our water supply? Is it the indiscriminate use of steroids? I would appreciate your thoughts on this.
Thank you for your prompt reply.
Yesterday I was warned of an imminent FALSE FLAG EVENT that will be engineered to blame "anti-vaxxers" and gun owners. Folks, I think the deep state is planning on staging a really bloody attack on innocent people in health care, so they can blame it on "anti-vax" rhetoric, and then move to CRIMINALIZE all anti-vax online speech:
Situation Update, May 28th, 2021 - Vaccine deep state issues DIRECT THREAT to Natural News and the Health Ranger
@HealthRanger Would not surprise me now everything is making sense. They threatened mercola, they are going after people like rfk jr, bollingers, del bigtree, yourself and the real medicine people. January 6 I hate to beat a dead horse was the trap to kill opposition to the state in the us version of the reischtag and we are seeing the full results.
@HealthRanger They may be ridiculously childish and lacking in common sense, but unfortunately, that is coupled with a diabolical genius for EVIL Destruction. Dumb + Demon=Death.
WHAT THE.....?
With millions of Texans freezing and 24 dead, five members of the board that manages Texas’ electrical grid don’t have to endure the consequences of the power grid’s mismanagement. Why? They live outside of Texas.
the Energy Reliability Council of Texas’ board of directors consists of 16 seats. The board’s chair and vice chair, Sally Talberg and Peter Cramton, are among the non-Texans nonetheless managing Texas’ electric grid. Talberg lives in Michigan, where she was a Michigan Public Service Commissioner before joining the ERCOT board. Cramton is a professor at the University of Michigan and the University of Cologne in Germany, though his social media account says he resides in Del Mar, California.
Another board member, Vanessa Anesetti-Parra, lives in Canada.
According to ERCOT bylaws, these out-of-state appointments are legal, with Texas residence merely “preferred.” New ERCOT board members are chosen by a nominating board consisting of current ERCOT board members.
@lori shocking!
Bill Gates: Rich nations should shift entirely to synthetic beef

We spoke to the Microsoft cofounder about his new book, the limits of his optimism, the tech breakthroughs and energy policies we need—and how his thinking on climate change has evolved. We need to tell this pseudo scientist there already is a Frankenstein and we don’t need another!
1am in New Zealand and I find myself praying for and thinking of everyone in America who is going through the unbelievably harsh weather. Hope you guys are ok.
@RoseJanuary Thanks for the prayers. The media is sensationalizing as usual. We are just having winter. We could use prayers for the real issues, however. The political climate and the encroaching governmental restrictions are the issues that aren’t being addressed because the MSM is censoring the truth.
They must be afraid of what is coming, and going to hide!!!!
#AbsoluteProof - the #MikeLindell bombshell evidence of #election rigging
What did you guys think. For those of us that are informed it’s another collection of what we already knew
@Newstarget it was great but I think minds that are closed will remain so — sad.
The Russian and Chinese Planned Nine Pronged Attack Upon America Is Already Underway he posted it to make a point, he said its old, but that to remember a lot is going on
Thanks for your reply.
Right now we are all in a dark tunnel..........but we can see a light !!!
@Bereonb2020 all aboard the crazy train!
@Bereonb2020 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I needed that!

Shots generated an 'inferior' immune system response in comparison with natural infection
Summit News@GansettGal Imagine that!
@GansettGal I concur 1000% ... I am 65, caught this nasty stuff, although after recovery I like it to a BAD flu.
I do a lot vits, minerals, and essential oils in conjunction with proper eating.
@Charlie Wow: Merck has THINKERS in its group lol. Good deduction. Bravo. Let's pray ALL medical entities adopt this, too.
This interview link shows how dangerous is the vax .
Why take the vax when 97% recover w/o it?
Instead use the #ZelenkoProtocol
Zelenko Covid-19 Prophylaxis Protocol (from his website treatment plan is at this 2nd link --
Forgive me but this is to funny to pass up!!!!
@patriot1315 brilliant!
I see his point.......but whats his point ..........
@Bereonb2020 it says at the bottom, that Biden didn’t sign any executive orders.
Not to be disrespectful but this is how the apostles must have felt when Jesus was buried.
@LittleRebel I don't consider that to be disrespectful at all. It's an honest emotion. You're the one who's brave enough to put it into words. I refuse to allow the enemy to win this emotional battle. God has NOT given us a spirit of fear. Start praising and I promise if you stick with it long enough, your entire mood and attitude will be uplifted.
I know God has a plan. I pray that I can accept God’s will.
@LittleRebel Yes, it is hard to think about the fact that it may be God's will to CRUSH the USA (and other countries too). I mean, so many things and so many people deserve that in spades. But I for one do not want to have to see or live through the suffering. Most people nowadays are built for cushy life only! It is going to be horrible if the worst happens.
Biden just chose PA Rachel Levine as asst secretary of health.
Wake me up from my nightmare somebody! PLEASE
@LittleRebel and Whitmer for Asst DNC
God help us all!
God is done helping America, we turned him off years ago why should he help us!
"In an interview with John B Wells last night, Lt General McInerney discussed Mike Lindell's meeting with POTUS. To my knowledge, this is new information...
McInerney explained that the information that Lindell presented to POTUS originated from Dennis Montgomery - the inventor of HAMMER. McInerney described the data that Montgomery compiled as "So precise. We know exactly what computer was involved...
full vid:"
I saw the video Mike Lindell posted about how he was treated by the lawyers at the WH.
@rwhit2020 I have little respect for Liars ( I mean lawyers) as a profession.
Is anyone not able to see Newsmax? SEEMS TO BE DOWN?!
@Mickeyoliver Direct TV Showing it
Ahh the app says technical difficulties. Probably just the app
I have a defense system against the "virus". My creator endowed me with an IMMUNE system and common sense. Maintenance is up to me.
@Robinsonja that's as simple as it is.
@Mae_Mae_H Amen!
The COVID vaccination is on its best way to become the medical scandal of the century! Please remember that some scientists have warned you!
@gerdmoebehrensreminds me of thalidomide of the 60s. Creation of monsters.
Twitter and Facebook have seen $51 billion of combined market value wiped out since booting Trump from their platforms

Both social-media giants said keeping the president on their platforms posed a risk of further incitement of violence following the Capitol riots. Excellent!!
@Mickeyoliver Employees of these companies should start cashing in their stock now, if they have any idea about whats going on and what could happen to the value of their stock after arrests and seizures kick into higher gear.
@MickeyoliverTake them both down!