Not to be disrespectful but this is how the apostles must have felt when Jesus was buried.
@LittleRebel I don't consider that to be disrespectful at all. It's an honest emotion. You're the one who's brave enough to put it into words. I refuse to allow the enemy to win this emotional battle. God has NOT given us a spirit of fear. Start praising and I promise if you stick with it long enough, your entire mood and attitude will be uplifted.
I know God has a plan. I pray that I can accept God’s will.
@LittleRebel Yes, it is hard to think about the fact that it may be God's will to CRUSH the USA (and other countries too). I mean, so many things and so many people deserve that in spades. But I for one do not want to have to see or live through the suffering. Most people nowadays are built for cushy life only! It is going to be horrible if the worst happens.