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Mom ws in her 80s and decided to enter her Pillow into the County Fair.
@GoldieElaine gorgeous!!!!
@GoldieElaine Beautiful needle work!!
Biden and Trump travel to the inauguration in the same car
@Brighteon he was thanking the actor who played Biden for his service to our country
As close friends should!!
Rethinking the changes in the chemtrails in the Texas skies, I’ve come to the conclusion that because this change started soon after the election, I think that they’re dumping as heavy a load of chemicals as they can on us (as low as possible to do as much damage as possible in as short a time as possible) before DJT takes office. I guess I’ll find out if I’m right if it stops after DJT actually takes office.
Or maybe I’ve just gone completely bat-sh!t crazy
@Independent same in Michigan
You should prayerfully study Romans 9, 10, 11…..where the Apostle Paul clears up some pretty amazing truths about this issue?
Then? Romans 14:17 details the “kingdom of God” that Jesus brought up (John 3:3)….its spiritual.
But Earth will enjoy a Kingdom of Heaven…..which involves the current upheaval of violence (no violence can be perpetrated in Kingdom of God).
What’s at risk?
2 Timothy 2 Paul explained to Timothy what false teaching actually does…..
@ruler160 wow!!! Thank you
Michigan To Bulldoze 400+ Acres Of Trees To Build Solar Farm

Michigan state officials plan to clear 420 acres from a state forest to build a new solar farm in the name of environmentalism. A “top state official” confirmed to MLive that the Michigan Department of… Biting off their nose to spite their face. Dumb a$$es.
@Ranlent sooooooooooooo dumb! We have had one day of sun here in like three weeks. We have constant chem trails from Chicago to Detroit.
@statzro I think the actor playing Biden is more than ready to be done!
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Vomits BIG LIES When Exposed with Truth.
Party Over!
@Whatishappenig I would have said I was pro vaccine 10 yrs ago as well.
So conservative estimates say 20,000,000 have died and 2,000,000,000 seriously injured due to operation warp speed vaccine. Trump says he is the "father of the vaccine". Does he get a pass in all this? If we were to prosecute all those who pushed this vaccine agenda...they can simply claim plausible deniability. They could claim they were simply following the government's demand at that time. Trump's government and Trump's operation warp speed. The people who died and injured due to this warp speed vaccine...I'm sure would like to remind us of this. Never forget....right?
If I had a local sheriff that I trusted for years and found out towards the end of his term he was a major architect in a plan to depopulate and injure our local area....this would upset me. Then a new sheriff was rigged in that was obviously corrupt and took this evil plan going forward and maximized it. I'm just saying that I would NOT be celebrating having back the architect who brags about it and claims it was really for our benefit.
@rriemersma He also pushed Hydroxychloriquine….what is your explanation for that?
@MistyJet88 Easy...that was him covering his tracks. His own plausible deniability. Did you watch the video? He really pushed the vaccine aggressively. Essentially he had Biden and corporations do his dirty work. If I was the manufacturer of a product that was later known to kill and injure people....but told people they could also use other products....I would still expect to be held accountable for killing and injuring people.
Trump projected to win Michigan, completing 'blue wall' sweep
@GoldieElaine when you tell Detroit you will make it great again, and people listen and want change, you flip Michigan. Now to get rid of our corrupt Governor….
This is Good-Scott Jennings does a flawless job taking down an entire panel of woke CNN hosts.
@Jvaiea very good indeed! I think they do not care what the average American thinks but maybe if some of their friends started going to Gitmo they would care
Without a Midnite drop of voter fraud in 8-9 States, this is what we’re looking at tonite.
@Patriot_PDkhov - CO should be blacked out since they can’t honestly certify that state now. Hope enough Amish came out in PA to turn that one red too.
@Patriot_PDkhov just got home from working small precinct in rural Michigan. With early voting and today we had nearly 95% voter turn out!
PS Trump won big time
@MistyJet88 thank you for that info. And yes TRUMP WON. HE WON THE PRESIDENCY!!! WHOO HOO Thank you for all your hard work at the polls, it’s because of patriots like you and God’s grace and mercy that we have victory. Hallelujah!
@Patriot_PDkhov I wonder if this week we will get “ storm is upon us” message due to what occurs? If trumps selected expect the bird shit flu shot to be pushed hard by them

@ShannonJoyRadio He pushed it and so did all of them. Every single one of them should be arrested for crimes against humanity
x.comHospitals were never overwhelmed. Big pharma scoundrel.
@Jleimer if you read it you will realize it is sarcasm. He says hospitals are overwhelmed meaning they need more help. Firing people will obviously give them less help.. he was trying to show the ridiculous mind set people had
@gd and dumbasses think trump and Mr Peter thiel s lapdog Vance will save them nope they'll get destroyed upon a trump selection
Here we go again. First Mike Adams supports Trump for President in the 2024 election; then he says he's not supporting him for President; then he tells us he is supporting Trump for President; and now (once again), he is NOT supporting Trump for President and will not be voting for him. Just like with the Scam-demic, where Mike Adams had his "Pandemic Projection Model" in which he predicted that 2.2 million Americans would die by July 2020 if President Trump didn't halt all transportation nationwide for at least one month; while he also advocated the use of masks in response to the so-called "pandemic". Yes, he did come around on the scamdemic/plandemic to reality. Even so, with the 2024 election, Mike is again proving himself an unreliable source for factual information. But then, what would we expect from a man who presumes to be some sort of "authority" when it comes to religious matters; even going so far as to believe he is called of God to teach via so-called "sermons" and has even started what he calls a "church"; even though, by his own admission, he is NOT part of any Bible based local church assembly? That, and by his own admission, he believes in salvation by works (which he has affirmed many times over via his declaration of "morality and ethics" as the basis for that) rather than salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Bottom line: Mike Adams is not God; even though he'd have us believe that he has authority from God. Mike needs Jesus!
Folks, have no illusions, they're going to STEAL this election and air counterfeit results, then declare Kamala the winner. My prediction is that we will see the "great STEAL" followed by the "great REVEAL" which will see the fraud exposed and overturned, followed by Trump being declared the ultimate winner. But this will take time. The ENTIRE U.S. corporate media has already agreed to conspire and LIE via fabricated numbers, to declare Kamala the winner, regardless of the actual legitimate votes. Bank on it.
@HealthRanger So what difference will there be from the election,in 2020? We knew they stole it. We saw videos of the theft. NOTHING WAS DONE. Do you really believe that something will be done this time? Same spineless republican congressmen, same deceitful democrats, same old lying msm. None of them will do anything. Eric Holder has $50 million dollars to spend to stop the votes from being certified.
Please explain to me what’s different. They don’t care what we do. They know that we know everything they’re doing. THEY DON’T CARE. Is DJT willing to call in the military? How many will respond to his call? This could easily turn into a civil war except I think Americans are too lazy to do anything. One thing about it, we’ll see next week. (I really hope I’m wrong)
@HealthRanger we will see if the dreams and visions and prophecies people are having of a time of shaking (that will not last long)come true.
I agree with Ms De’Plorable @Independent
who is going to do the "great reveal"
HR said the same crap after 2020
There is no way to vote our way out of rigged elections
In any other context, Joe Rogan — and I appreciate this about him — won’t shut up about the COVID-19 scam.
Nary a show passes by that it doesn’t come up at some point, even with guests who don’t appear very interested in the topic or have nothing to do with it apart from having been a human on planet Earth in 2020.
Yet, strangely enough — or not strangely at all, perhaps — the topic never came up at any point during his three-hour sit-down with the former president.
In fact, when Big Pharma came up, Rogan very carefully danced around the topic of the so-called “vaccines” that Trump so graciously rushed to market in record time.
Not only did the vaxx elephant in the room remain ignored, but they didn’t touch the recent DoD directive explicitly allowing the U.S. military to kill American citizens under so-called emergency conditions, nor the transhumanist, exterminationist ideology of the psychopathic multinational elites, nor the CIA trafficking opium out of Afghanistan (at the time of the invasion, the Taliban had virtually eradicated the opium trade in the country; by the time the U.S. military had taken over, a few years later, the global share of the opium trade soared to 90+%; production collapsed once again after the withdrawal) — just to name a small handful of issues they could have broached which Rogan, who is well-versed in them, had a golden opportunity to pose to one of the only men on Earth who might be willing and able to offer uncommon insight, given that he occupied the top executive position for four years
@GoldieElaine Since Trump “is god” he should have known all about every Black Rock company, every evil intent, every bad vaccine, every military move, every deep state player, etc etc etc. Or just maybe, Trump being human, with people lying to him throughout his entire administration… was deceived about the vaccine? Just like most of America and the world has been deceived about childhood vaccines for decades. If it turns out he is one of them…so be it. If it turns out he cant know everything in the entire world always, great. We cannot hold another human accountable for knowing everything we do not know.
Keep your eyes open Texans. There's a depression down in Guatemala which can easily become a cat 5 hurricane just in time for the Nov 5th elections. That would knock out all the voting for most of the state. If you see something brewing consider voting early.
We've had very little/no rain for months. Most areas are dry as a bone and prone to wildfires. Trees are dying and those that are alive are not providing nuts/fruit sufficient to sustain wildlife and birds. Help where you can.
This live hurricane tracker hurricane map, with data from the National Hurricane Center, provides past and current hurricane tracker information. interesting…. Michigan is forecast for two days of 40 mile hr winds toward end of this week. That could easily cause power outages til next Tuesday. Best of luck in Texas
The US House of Representatives has passed a bill which its authors claim is aimed at combating anti-Semitism in American universities. If signed into law, it would mean suggesting that Jesus Christ was killed by Jews could be classed as anti-Semitism.
@GoldieElaine that is biblical. Is this first step toward banning the bible or its reading in church?