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Natrual Farmer, Cider Maker, Dowser, Singer/Guitarist, Entrepreneur.
Natrual Farmer, Cider Maker, Dowser, Singer/Guitarist, Entrepreneur.
Cabbages and not my King I do not consent!
As with my enormous beetroot, the brassica's have grown enormously.
All on frequency of tender love and care, not a chemical in site, only the ones from the air unfortunately.
This is another blessing for sure
@PiltownFarm Well.......aren't you worried about the chem trails?
Mom and Dad’s Swinger Party
For kids…
For their “education”
Entered into Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963 —— The 45 Goals of Communism in America
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
You think we’re there yet?
@Patriot_PDkhov Twisted stuff, these books are going to end up in the hands of kids one day. According to Gosse, these books are dark humor for adults and not kids.
But it's like leaving poisoned candies in a bowl, on a table in a house filled with kids.
Sodom and Gomorrah
Where it all went wrong.
[Imperial chemical industries]
Greed poisoned our world.
This little short film has it all, how our climate climate is, how corporate capitalism raped our environment and stole community.
A West Country Farm
A single Beetroot which grew.
I'm keeping the seed just incase a row of them could feed the world?
My theory about frequency certainly works
@PiltownFarm Very nice. A seed well adapted to the area is always cherished.
In synchronization with the correct frequency.
What frequency? Please explain
Make The World A Better Place.....

In the naturopathic world apple cider vinegar is known to panacea for many ailments such as acid reflux, arthritis, high blood pressure and body acidosis.