USMC VietNam vet 0331 - homesteader, animal husbandry, goat herder, row crop farmer, off grid for 20 years, love Jesus, God and country.
Never stop punching! Never back down!
No laughing. I think I have a mouse in my house because I found something that looked suspiciously like mouse droppings on my pantry floor this morning. I picked up a few trusty mouse traps and had to figure out how to bait it (easy part) and how to set it (not quite so easy). The setting it wasn’t so hard, it was setting it down without it snapping shut on my fingers. It took me four tries and a sore thumb before I finally got it right. All the white I could hear my husband snickering in the living room (once it was an outright laugh) every time I loudly dropped a few choice expletives. Thank goodness that spring wasn’t any stronger or I’d be on my way to the ER. Next time he’s doing it.
@Independent This is the time of year when mice start looking for warmth and comfort. It is a sign of the changing seasons, it is not uncommon. I got sick of trying to catch mice, only to have them rob the trap or get partially caught and drag the trap away. I made the ultimate mouse trap. These are "Victor" mouse traps. They cost $6 + per trap. It takes two people to easily remove a trapped mouse or one person with a high level of difficulty. Easy for one person to set and risk free, just push the the bar on the back down until it clicks. You will need a board large enough to mount the traps on and 8 -1/2 in. long screws to fit the holes. Popcorn is the best bait for these traps or peanut butter. This gets them every time - before they colonize in your home. Juvenile mice can rob a trap because of their small size. If the bail keeps getting robbed from a trap it's the young.