@Ronan_One I can remember back in the '70s they didn't call it "sunscreen," they called it "suntan lotion."
I only used sunscreen sparingly for a couple of years in my life in my early 20s. But I noticed that any fabric that got touched by the sunscreen was changed color, got crispy, and was ruined in short order. I was immediately suspicious and decided to stop using sunscreen forever and just practice sensible sun exposure and just use clothing as my "sunscreen" when needed.
It is all the more suspicious that they turned the sun into our "mortal enemy" and practically made wearing sunscreen and sunglasses a law of society.
The sun is God's big DUH in the sky! It governs all life on earth! We need it just as much as the plants do! And now they are even blocking it in the sky with chemtrails just about every day. Things are not going to go well for all life on earth.
@Ronan_One My mother always used Baby Oil..........bad choice too!
@Ronan_One Our mother used olive oil on us 5 girls when at the beach.