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- WaterThruSun
Pray for humanity, all the flora fauna on Earth.
deadly poison USA govt climate manipulation embroidered on GrandSolarMinimum:DavidDubyne, Wigington
- WaterThruSun
Pray for humanity, all the flora fauna on Earth.
deadly poison USA govt climate manipulation embroidered on GrandSolarMinimum:DavidDubyne, Wigington
mRNA jab BONUS: Extra fast aging!
Brought to you by Pfizer...
Covid jab spike proteins get “delivered” to ALL bodily organs, resulting in hyper-accelerated aging

The phenomenon of "sudden deaths" being seen all around the world following the release of covid "vaccines" can be traced back to one common cause: the age-accelerating effects of spike proteins. Spike…
www.naturalnews.comI ask repeatedly. U ignore Mike. Cause I do t know. U push prep for nuclear war: iodide , cesium eliminator.
How will u determine which Mike stopped to know which remedy half life to accommodate? Got a testing method to sell to know which type of bike dropped ? No you don’t . You haven’t thought of problem
Above typos:
Cause you don’t know, so u ignore.
How will you determine which type of nuke dropped to know which remedy to take ?
U have no clue. Nor have you posited this dilemma
@HealthRanger think of your thyroid as a two car garage, just like a garage when two cars are in, no more cars will fit, so in theory, you fill up the thyroid with good iodine and the radioactive forms won't get absorbed by the thyroid. The who point is to prevent radioactive forms of iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid which could destroy the thyroid and then you have a lot of problems.
@HealthRanger. A friend says his friend in Oklahoma has a tremendous chicken egg facility. Suddenly the chickens are going infertile producing half the eggs. She thinks it’s in the feed . Hmmm. Maybe aerosol vaccines or in their antibiotics ???
@HealthRanger @SkiSail
More reason to raise free range birds, but the weather has a lot to do with egg production.
@HealthRanger I sent email to you just now. @SkiSail @Slaywhat here is the video, two brands which were purchased both at TSC : Dumor, Producers' Pride:
Viewers Report Tractor Supply Chicken Feed Is Bad | Food Shortage Updates - YouTube --

Boots on the ground reports from viewers on chicken feed issues from Tractor Supply and empty shelves at Walmart, Aldi, and other grocery stores across the U... you aware that the oblivious masses are so mathematically illiterate, they actually think that 550 / 2 is 225?
Apparently this is a "thing" across the 'net right now. People are baffled, as if it's some sort of mind-bending brain teaser or something.
Folks, this is maybe FIFTH GRADE MATH. It's not complicated. We are living in scary times when people are so stupid, they can't do basic division:

Social media users around the world are bewildered by the simple maths equation. The mayhem comes as the UK PM plans on plans on making the subject compulsory to age of 18. - No surprise here - 550 / 2 = 275 - 4th grade math.
@HealthRanger I asked my dog what's two minus two and he said nothing.
@HealthRanger@jimbo 1
4th grade math nowadays in dumbed down USA Ed, when I went o grade school a few
Decades ago, it was second grade . As long the corrupt schools , less than teachers - k-12 teachers are the B, C or worse math science teachers . They couldn’t do the college work ,no calculus for most.
Most public
High Schools
Are hard pressed to find a
Competent calculus , physics teacher , or even English talent enough to write a novel
@HealthRanger I just caught your Nov 29 2023 prediction. Your hopeful exuberance being off-grid to beat the system is ……..
No DOJ justice, CIA FBI Military co opted. Recall govt attack of off-grid Amish. U underestimate…maybe aerosol your community, or Rambo lock y’all up.Only Jesus God angels can help your efforts, Mike.
@HealthRanger Didn't work so well at ruby ridge.
Wishing everyone in North America success in navigating the crazy freezing cold wave now pouring through Canada and most of the USA. Check on your outdoor pets, too! Keep 'em warm and make sure their water isn't freezing! (Or bring them inside if you can.)
It's going my 8th year following the MAN!! Merry Christmas!!
27 below zero Fahrenheit here in Montana . Glad I’m not in Havre or Malta or Cut Bank in Montana on the High Line. (Hwy 2) up near Canada : - 50 Fahrenheit
Mike, I've had a big smile on my face @-100°F (w/windchill). Like many things in life, you can not only adapt to endure, but truly enjoy extreme cold. Now, that Texas heat you get down there. That's another story for my aging body...
SPERM-APOCALYPSE: Learn Why The World’s More And More Infertile #WarOnMen

This is drastically more dangerous to humanity than 'global warming'
See page 16: govalusts commission of300 Club of Rome from 169 page CIA doc release
Just let me know when pure blood is selling for 1k or more.
New podcast (9 min) 2023 will be the YEAR OF LAYOFFS as millions lose their jobs
The Twitter files being released right now exhaustively prove that Leftists are authoritarian tyrants, fascists and book burners (speech censors) in the dark spirit of Adolf Hitler and the worst dictators in the history of the world. How they tell themselves they are GOOD people is beyond comprehension. They are pure evil, and their imprint on this world is one of darkness, suffocation and destruction. Every last employee of Big Tech that was complicit in the rogue censorship of conservative speech should spend the rest of their lives behind bars as deserved punishment for the YEARS they so callously took away from others.
Acts 19:19-20
19 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.
20 So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.
I’m in favor of destroying lies so …..others can’t ingest.
Some books are like loaded guns left LYING around….
And the only useless gun is an unloaded gun (mine are loaded).
Nose rings (for cattle) are for a purpose.
Dangitt. I often can't reply to posts using my phone.
Fenceman: you're showing a lack of understanding about how our First Amendment works. Please don't misuse God's Word to do so.
Simply put, the more abhorrent the speech? The more necessary to allow it to be heard (protected).Example: Let's say a few Klansmen show up in your town square, spouting their idiotic ideas on racial purity n general hatred. Dunno about you, but I would fail to be swayed. Virtually all citizens would (n do) reject their nonsense. That's why today's KKK languishes on the extreme fringe, only kept on life support by the DS (for future false flags). If a new idea has merit? It will advance. If it doesn't? It will whither n fail. All ideas must be allowed, n studied. That's how we grow n improve. Sorry, but equating an advanced spellbook of Satanism w/anything man-made completely misses the point.
Read page 14 of
Totally supports my suspicion I deduced to NOT trust PROTON MAIL, as I’ve written y’all months ago after checking out their board from a Harvard n MIT headquartered in Switzerland : a big net u thought u escaped by leaving google gmail net
Huge BREAKING: CLAIM: Biden released international arms dealer Viktor Bout to RECRUIT him to offload US weapons for slush fund cash controlled by Dems

As you no doubt are aware, yesterday Joe Biden swapped a high-level Russian arms trafficker and former lieutenant colonel in the Russian army with a pot head LGBTQ basketball player who despises America.… Let me tell you something to think about . Now I’m a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLICAN , and what’s going on in this country is DISGUSTING , but please stop the DIVIDE & CONQUER BULLSHIT️Freedom of EXPRESSIONS and FREEDOM to do with your body as you wish is a basic and CONSTITUTIONAL freedom,when MEAT HEADS like you say pothead,you forget about the BEER & CIGARETTES you ALL consume.Those are RECREATIONAL DRUGS
I wouldn’t want to deny your beer and cigarettes no more then you should be denying me a puff from my pipe or bong.This mentality of your has to change or I will go on the attack, I LOVE AMERICA
so you’ll have a hard time labeling ME mister.I’m a veteran and an American citizen and what I do with my own body does NOT make me a criminal or a lesser citizen then YOU
🫡I didn’t take an oath to be in COMMUNISM,so WAKE UP
From :
Above paste in one of Adams’s posts links :
Says Club of Rome 300 ‘s one of its biggest enemies is FUSION ENERGY . Can’t so easily enslave world with it . Scroll around for my ost today on Adams site or mine for 169 page doc from CIA , recently unearthed but original Al writings from 60’s - Alex Jones type unearthing
Elon Musk promises to reveal “more smoking guns” after exposing Twitter’s suppression of Hunter Biden laptop story

A day after releasing a bombshell report about the political censorship that took place at Twitter before he took the helm, new Twitter CEO Elon Musk announced that he will be revealing more “smoking guns”… Great, but will there be any ramifications from it or will it be (corrupt) business as usual?
@Astral2 Do you think this guy is legit? I see so many posts from people that are convinced he is a fraud. Just wondering your thoughts..I listen to him but I have had people tell me I am dumber than dumb if I believe him…
@HealthRanger - Deep State must be panicking; knowing them, this is a good time to spawn a MAJOR DISTRACTION - such as the nuclear war they've been itching to have for some time now..
Full article just posted: Armed guards and retail theft rings: America’s streets now resemble a third world nation as organized crime ramps up, citizens buy ballistic armor

A gas station in Philadelphia, tired of all the crime taking place in his parking lot, has hired armed security guards to patrol the premises, projecting a show of force against would-be drug sellers,…
news flash: included in brigadier General Robert Spalding’s Dec newsletter . EMP PROTECTION THESE MODELS CELLS. (Personally I’m not using an Apple beyond 7 or 8: last
Models iphone NOT 5G… a 5G tower kill-zaps He’s author of StealthWar:How China took over while Americas elite slept (cashed-in)…28 million Chinese cellphones in Hunan ditched after people dropping like flies - blamed on Covid,but when 5G released Hunan.
“Read more” Brighteon dysfunctional tab.
Continued from above: last iPhones not going 5G are 7’s and 8’s. 28 million in Hunan province 2020 ditched their cell phones dropped dead supposedly from Covid -when 5G activated Hunan widely. 5G using cells kill-zaps.
@HealthRanger question for the health ranger....could you somehow write a booklet giving the protocols of what you would take if you had different diseases .....would you have to get a naturopathic Dr license to be able to do this ?
i know the corrupt FDA won't allow any description of usage of supplements herbs mushrooms etc....only a big pharma1 drug can cure a disease..but this book would be a great benefit to humanity saving many could title it protocols of the carrot helped roger stones wife get well...i wish you could have helped dr vladimir zelenko with his cancer tumor on his heart and had him go on to develop many more supplements to help others as well as spread the word on supplementation treat uncurable diseases....another question...since you are such a smart guy..could you pick up any of your ideas on royal rife transmitter and make a working prototype
Dec 2, 2022 - Kanye goes there, tells the world to look on the BRIGHT side of HITLER
- Kanye (Ye) celebrates Hitler multiple times during live broadcast
- Alex Jones does amazing job trying to prevent Kanye from committing reputation suicide
- US senators say they won't vote for military funding unless vax mandates are halted
- My experience with high-end military dog training / combat animals
- TipTopK9 is the dog training company, they have franchises across many U.S. cities
- Apple conspires with CCP to suppress the slave uprising in China, #BoycottApple
- The COVID Blog reveals a deceptive, misleading video clip in "Died Suddenly" film
- Ba'Al Busters reveals (roughly) 4 minutes of Dr. Bryan Ardis interview on clots MEMORY HOLED
- Why freedom of speech means we must tolerate the speech of those with whom we disagree
I have RETRACTED my original story today about the "Died Suddenly" film and the Dr. Jane Ruby question, following the realization that my piece was being used in a way I never intended, namely to attack Stew Peters and the film itself.
So I retracted the full story and replaced it with a shorter explanation. I don't want any misinterpretation of my article to take away from the importance of the film in warning people about the clots. My original story was becoming a distraction I never intended.
Here's the updated text:

The viral new film, "Died Suddenly" from Stew Peters depicts the widespread harm caused by experimental mRNA injections -- so-called "vaccines" -- that are killing an estimated 2,400+ Americans each day…
www.naturalnews.comAren't you wondering why Dr. Jane Ruby wasn't featured in "Died Suddenly" when she was the very first person who made contact with Hirschman (embalmer), and was the first to publicize these clots from dead vax victims? I know this because she was my guest on InfoWars many months ago when I had my microscope on the set, and we broke the worldwide news with LIVE microscopy video, in a special with Dr. Jane Ruby, Richard Hirschman and myself.
And now Dr. Ruby is nowhere to be seen in the documentary? Something doesn't add up... this whole story was broken first by Ruby, and then second on InfoWars. Yet there's zero mention of that... hmmm...
@HealthRanger maybe stew peters is clueless . He doesn’t break a lot of news - parrots news is all I’ve ever seen / heard from him , when I can stomach his drilling piercing loud, intense constant affect stare and voice, often not commiserate with the subject. …just sayin’ in a less than kind way.
@HealthRanger its hard to take Stew seriously after seeing his rap video. Things like this make it even harder
@HealthRanger Stew and Dr. Ruby have been broadcasting together for a long time. Maybe she didn't want to participate or took a backstage role (best case)
Most of #Ukraine has ZERO power due to Russia missile strikes over the last 12 hours. We are also getting a firsthand report from one of our contacts in Kiev:
"Residential building heat and water stopped functioning yesterday. Today there is no electricity. Spent hours trying to find cell tower that worked to send you this message..."
This person lives in an area that has maintained electricity nearly all the time through this entire conflict. But today, there's no power, no heat, no water.
Russia is taking down the entire infrastructure...
Happy Thanksgiving! I do have a podcast and an amazing interview for you today, but right now we are experiencing power blackouts affecting our ability to move files around and get it posted. Looks like the rolling blackouts are already impacting us. Will let you know as soon as we manage to make it live. In the mean time, enjoy your Thanksgiving and try to make sure your vaxxed relatives don't shed SPIKE PROTEIN on the turkey!
Recent bombshell interviews you won't want to miss - Did you know you can download the MP3 files on all these? Look for the "Download mp3" link beneath each video on
Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA:
Dr. Francis Boyle, warning about WHO pandemic treaty medical dictatorship:
Ed Dowd on excess mortality related to vaccine mandates:
Bill Holter on economic collapse:
Dr. Eric Nepute, who is being sued by DOJ for half a trillion dollars over vitamin D:
Florida Surgeon General Dr. Ladapo on health freedom and integrative healing:
RED ALERT: New WHO pandemic treaty in final stages, would overrule the US Constitution and unleash medical dictatorship, warns Dr. Francis Boyle
- See more detailed analysis of the WHO treaty - it's mind-blowing what they are trying to pull!

Today we bring you a truly bombshell interview and critical story about the WHO's new pandemic treaty which is specifically written to overrule the United States Constitution and all domestic laws in every… sheeples to the slaughter. Guillotines ahead for the identified freedom loving resistance . Get your spiritual world in order
Mitt Romney tied to FTX scandal via Baine and Co. $100M per year!
Dr. Francis Boyle issues URGENT WARNING about WHO pandemic treaty designed to enslave & exterminate humanity
- Dr. Francis Boyle warns of DoD-run bioweapons labs creating more pathogens
- New information that extends the conclusions in his recent book, "Resisting Medical Tyranny"
- A warning of "Nuremberg-level crimes against civilians"
- Why the DoD continues to run illegal bioweapons programs in Ukraine
- How governments of the world unleash bioweapons on their own civilian populations
- How the treaty was specifically written to nullify national sovereignty
- How health "emergencies" can be created to enslave humanity
- The truth about Monkey Pox, which was a lab-created biological weapon
- Why Dr. Boyle was banned by the mainstream media and has been censored for two decades
@HealthRanger This is why we must stay focused and unite as being divided doesn’t do us good. The gop won’t stand up against this.
@HealthRanger My friend is in VAIDS. She can feel clots developing in her. She is a RN in New York. She will be willing to give her body for research once she crosses over, if someone can expose the crimes against humanity. Her family has significant debt as she has not been able to work after her 3rd COVID shot so they will not be doing an autopsy when she dies. If interested, please contact me.
Just completed a bombshell interview with Dr. Robert Malone. He was unleashed! We talked WEF globalism, depopulation, mRNA tech exploitation, FDA malfeasance and much more. Full interview goes live tomorrow. This is likely the most in-depth, "unleashed" interview he's ever done. And check out his new book, "Lies My Govt Told Me" which is available everywhere now (pre-order) and gets shipped around Dec. 9th.