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My heart is so hurt. I haven't posted on here in awhile but the person who I tried to help out and give info to help them from getting the vaccine received it anyways. She's really sick and thinks she has food poisoning and I wanna tell her so bad that it's a side effect from the vaccine but I know she won't believe me. I just am so numb right now my anxiety is everywhere
Idk why I even bothered to try because now I look stupid. The step mom I was trying to convince to not take the covid vaccine ignored me didn't say anything at all but would rather sit on Facebook and twiddle her thumbs...
So my boyfriend's step mom wants to get the covid vaccine and shes such a sweet person I don't want nothing bad to happen to her Idk how the hell to convince this woman that it's terrible tho cause she's gotten flu vaccines and I don't think she will listen
So random question...has anybody on here ever experienced depersonalization or derealization from anxiety?? What are the remedies you use to help you??
Everyone keeps talking about "the big reveal". Well, you got it. The entire system is corrupt and evil. Donald Trump was a minor speedbump in the road. You saw yourself how he struggled just to survive with all the assaults he was getting. Even if he comes back tomorrow, it won't change what's coming. I knew when people didn't resist the mask update a year ago that we were in big trouble. Now they've stolen your election and still you do nothing. You are bloody meat in a school of sharks now.
Can I get opinions please!! The way everything is looking from today..would it be easier to keep renting or to buy a house??
If anybody on here is familiar with real estate and how it works please comment! I'm a 1st time homebuyer and I know that getting a house 10-20 years ago was not That hard as trying to get approved for one now is. It's insane how many obstacles you have to jump thru now to get a home. Does anyone else feel the same???
... anyone else about Done with all this? - if the CCP just up and marched in we could See the threat directly.
... may be time to Shed Our Skin.
... old Amishman.
WHAT A JOKE! Garth Brookes just sang "Amazing Grace" at the CCP Inauguration as a call to ALL Americans to "unite". Garth, take your fake unity and stick it! I will NEVER NEVER NEVER unite with Satan's crowd! Guess Garth Brookes just showed who he is with! I've known for years that he is a fake "Christian", so typical of Nashville!
Mike? What do your sources say now?
Backup phone number 641-793-7038 to listen to me LIVE with Scott McKay right now. In minutes.
If anybody here lives in New York City or new Jersey I'm hearing there was a huge lightning strike followed by massive Thunder! Did anybody hear it????
Germany to Put COVID Rulebreakers in ‘Detention Camp’
THE vaccine damage info from Natural News that came into my email will not open. A message appears that says I do not have access to the info from my browser. Is that info here on this site? Thank you