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Christian, Veteran, Retired Underground Coal Miner, Electrical Specialist, Entrepreneur.
Christian, Veteran, Retired Underground Coal Miner, Electrical Specialist, Entrepreneur.
@DiamondTNT @Easterndmondbk
And they breed!!!
As bad as things are here in the United States, we see that the countries all around us are worse. This is the very visible indication that the enemy is surrounding us on all sides and getting ready to launch the full attack.
We should see it coming. But do we?
I guess God didn't like that statement!
Sorry, I now see the article will not come up on the web.
This is an eye opening article.......
Did you hear Donald Trump at Cullman AL?
I, as much as anyone wanted Trump to be the leader we thought he was intended to be.
I have had to check my bias and admit to myself that Donald J. Trump is as much of a traitor to our nation as any of the others.
He cannot say the things he has said and claim to be an upright, honest man.
God is the only place to put our trust and faith and we had better wake up to that FACT!
Joe Biden: Wanted for Dereliction of Duty, Treason and Election Fraud! Who Will Carry Out the Rule of Law?
If the PCR test for Covid-19 has been determined faulty and cannot accurately detect a virus, and,
if the Covid 19 virus has never been identified and isolated.....ALL TRUE BY THE WAY!
Why is EVERYONE always talking about testing positive to a virus that has never been found to exist?
I do mean everyone, even the people we trust to be honest and truthful!
Please find another way to describe what you want your listeners to know.
How many great military officers and leaders have been dismissed from their positions during and since the Obama administration?
Where are you? Do you need an Army of Patriots willing to follow a strong leader?
I think that is all the Patriots need!
I just read this.........
“I’m not a scientist, but has anyone noticed that covid doesn’t seem to faze the Taliban?” wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press. “I’ll bet they don’t wear masks, social distance, or vaccinate, and yet they seem to be fully functional and goal-oriented.”
The latest news about Fauci and his flu can be found at
In our assembly and service this morning, we lifted our voices to God and asked him to bring his power and destruction on the evil of this land for the sake of the faithful.
I hope there were many more, as the united voice of the faithful gives God great glory to answer.
Please reach out to as many people as possible with this message. Post it everywhere as quickly as you can.
God Bless
I am sorry the request had to be in two messages
We ask you by your grace and mercy to smite the evil in this nation with the power of your Word,
Father we ask that you utterly destroy it from the face of the earth.
For the sake of the faithful, O God, deliver us from this evil with the power of your glory and might.
Thy will be done,
We ask these things by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, by whom we are sons and daughters.
I want to ask for a united stand among Christians.
On Sunday, August 15, at 12:00 noon, I would like everyone to go to God in prayer. We have faith that God answers prayer and there is strength where his children offer a united voice unto Him.
Pray this prayer,
O Lord our God, Father in Heaven
Be merciful to us, forgive us our sins
As Abraham besought you not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for the sake of the faithful, we ask you to spare our nation and the world for the elect's sake